Cimzia was great for 2 months; now...please help

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May 6, 2014
I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. I was diagnosed at 4 with Crohn's. I am 23 now and have been on prednisone 6 mp in past. I've never had resection or obstruction. I started cimzia 2 months ago; it was basically all great (except day or two before getting next dose of shot I'd generally feel some pain and heartburn, nothing too bad). now after being 2 months in I just had my last shot 3-4 days ago. usually I feel almost immediate relief from cimzia. although this time 1 week before I got my next shot (3-4days ago) I started to feel pains again getting worst everyday. here I am now a few days AFTER shot and I wake up feeling fine; then get diarrhea which has no pain or blood (about 3 times)and then I eat. throughout my day I progressively get worst. I also don't go to the bathroom at all till morning sometimes I will get solid stool in the morning but it's usually followed by more diarrheah after about 30 min. I also get decently bad heartburn and somewhat burning in the stomach which is fixed immediately by Zantac. I thought it was gas as it's hard for me to pass recently except at night where all hell breaks loose and I release a lot. I generally do feel better after gas passes. to make it clear symptoms do worsten after noon till about 10pm. I know it's a lot to read but someone please help me! I go to see doctor on Tuesday (in 3 days) please help!
my thoughts are that it's trapt intestinal gas...also if I lay down and turn from side to side or stomach to back I can almost feel the pain thoughts were it's trapt and is being moved/pushed just feels as if that's what it is so I had papaya and other things like peppermint tea today and it hasn't really helped...although I did feel a bit less bloated after papaya. sorry for long post
Have you let your GI know yet? They may increase the frequency of your injections... I think it would be a good idea to get tested for antibodies if possible to see if it's effective for you anymore or not. Otherwise you may have to consider another biologic.
thanks for the response; after thinking the only thing I've changed in my diet is stopping keifer probiotic milk...I just had a glass before bed and will have another in the am...I have a feeling it will help! you saying antibodies made me remember; very interesting...please keep the responses coming; thank you