Colonic Irrigation - Anyone had it and any risks with IBD?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 10, 2017
Hello All,

So I am considering having a colonic irrigation session done and I was wondering if anyone has ever had it done?

I also worry that it may not be good to have done as I may have IBD. I say may, since I haven't had a diagnosis yet, but I do have mucus in the stool, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and stomach rumbling / gas.

My thoughts are it would clean out any mucus as well as any bad yeast / bacteria in my colon.

Any thoughts? :)
My advice is be careful and mention this to your doctor before you do anything. I would be wary of anyone recommending this to you, especially if they are aware of you're condition and claim it may help in some way.

Let us know how you are x