Constantly tired- need input

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Mar 27, 2012
I have generally been feeling constantly exhausted, with intermittant rainbows of energy. I put this thread here and not with humira b/c I am not convinced that it is to blame. My B12 2 months ago was 346 pg/ml and the nuritionist said that it was not low yet and we have 2 year supply in our body. I wonder if she is right, since b12 can be such a culprit for tiredness. I also have headaches frequently. I would REALLY appreciate all you experience crohnies with some insight into this chiming in. The constant tiredness is taking a toll on every aspect of my life.
Adam, I recommend having the doctor give you a full blood work up. And just because she says the B-12 isn't low yet, it might be low for YOU, you know what I mean? That's definately on the lower end, by the way. But we simply don't absorb the way we should, so what I am finding is that in addition to B-12 injections, I need a B complex vitamin, D3, etc. My GI yesterday just put me on iron and folic acid, folic acid is basically B9, which helps produce red blood cells in addition to other things. My RBC was going down with each test, this is probably why.
Hi Adam,

That sucks that you're feeling tired all the time :( A few things:

1. Woops, looks like we need to educate your nutritionist about vitamin B12. As CLynn mentioned, that's a reasonably low number especially once you start looking at the facts. Print out this paper and take it to your nutritionist. It showcases how upwards of 50% of people with vitamin B12 levels between 200 and 400 pg/ml are in fact deficient. So flip a coin because there's a 50% chance you're deficient (my guess is yes). In addition, the liver stores up to 5 years of B12 (they got that wrong too) BUT that's in healthy individuals. Considering it's common for Crohnies to have messed up enterohepatic circulation (that's what let's the B12 be recycled into the liver for storage) it's common for Crohnies to have little to nothing in the bank.

2. Your headache makes me wonder about dehydration which can also lead to fatigue.

3. We've been working on a wiki entry for fatigue that might give you some other ideas to discuss with your doctor.

I hope this helps somewhat and you feel energized soon!
Thanks everyone. I will ask my doc for complete bloodwork this Wednesday and see how it compares with earlier numbers. I will definitely address the B12 issue and see about getting injections to reach the right level.
I understand Adam, my last B12 had me at 330, but I am so exhausted! I feel a huge crash in energy in the afternoon around 2pm. My GI gave me the same bit about it not being low, but I'm not buying what he's selling.

Keep us updated, I'm very curious as I should be getting the results of my latest bloods as well.

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