As you may have seen from my other thread, my 9 yo DD has been going through tests to figure out if she has IBD. During these past 6 weeks, she has had mostly looser, more frequent stools along with her other symptoms. During a bad bout of nausea, the doc suggested I try a low dose of Zofran, which helped the nausea but I know can be very constipating (it is on me anyway). I only gave her one dose but she didn't poop for a few days after that. Then she had a wicked day on Thurs where she couldn't stop pooping (10+ times in a few hours). Since then, she's been constipated again. She's doing Miralax to help her move.
My question is, can constipation happen with Crohn's too or is it strictly a prolonged medication side effect (even though she seemed to empty her bowels after the med's side effect wore off)?
My question is, can constipation happen with Crohn's too or is it strictly a prolonged medication side effect (even though she seemed to empty her bowels after the med's side effect wore off)?