Cortisol levels on prednisone

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Oct 18, 2012
Sorry to start another thread on this drug!

I understand that some of the side effects of pred are a result of cortisol levels being too high and that this is called Cushing's syndrome.

I have a couple of the symptoms of Cushing's as a result of pred, and I was wondering how this is assessed - or if it even needs to be.

I had a look online and it seems like there isn't a quick test to assess your cortisol levels. There's mentions of 24 hour tests and urine tests and all sorts of complicated things. But it also seemed like a lot of these tests are to try to find out the cause of Cushing's. So if you know your symptoms are a result of taking prednisone, can you just have a blood test done to determine if your cortisol level is too high?

I ask because I'm hoping to get as much as my care from my local doctor as possible and keep hospital/specialist visits to a minium.

I'm having an appointment in a few weeks and wondered if they will be able to do a simple test to tell me if my cortisol is too high or not.

Oh, just to add: I'm concerned about this because I already have osteoporosis. Since Cushing's causes osteoporosis, I thought I should know whether I'm just getting symptoms/side effects or whether my levels of cortisol are actually being messed up.
Hi UnXmas, sorry for the late response. :)

Mayo Clinic has a lot of information on what questions to ask your doctor, how to test for it and how it can be treated. I'd read through all the sections.

I don't think I was ever tested for it but I did have the obvious signs and so did my sister with the moon face, stretchmarks, upper back hump and easy bruising. I think I also had issues with bone loss as a kid from being on Prednisone for so long. Since I've stopped Prednisone all those symptoms went away. Are you still taking steroids? If not when did you stop completely?
Thanks for the reply and the link. I think is just one I'll just have to ask my doctors about. I just end up overthinking these things in between appointments.

I'm still on prednisone but no longer at the dose I started at. It's worked so well, though, and given me so much energy. The plan was for it to be a very short term thing, but now I'm wondering whether that is the best idea. I'm sure doctors will still say it has to be a short term drug because of the risks that come long-term. I am getting some hair growth and skin changes but not the other Cushing's symptoms. Whether the presence of symptoms correlates with levels of cortisol and risk of osteoporosis though... who knows. I think probably even doctors couldn't say for sure in an individual patient.