Hey Clemsonxplorer.. You are going to have to experiment. Try making your own dip using low fat, or low fat lactose free cream cheese, perhaps extra lean sausage (and I'd suggest boiling it first to remove any other fats) or find an acceptable veggie sausage (there are such things)... as for the rotel, never heard of it before but a net search says that it's likely a brand name of diced tomatos and chiles... There again, a little improv/experimentation is in order (if I've got this last ingredient right). You can par boil some fresh tomatoes to remove the skin, dice them, and mildly spice the mixture... Any spices you use should be powdered.. Not that you have to buy them that way... just fine grind them in some sort of adjustable mill... or crush them with a mortar/pestle.. bowl & spoon..
(you don't want big chunks of spice floating around inside you.. you'd be asking for trouble).. Anyway, spices, fats, some processed meats containing fats, lactose, all are potential triggers for diahrea or cramping.. Now, you can either permanently cross them off your diet, or you can learn to mix, match and improvise your diet..
never know, you might stumble upon a recipe you like better than your old one