Hi. New at this forum as well. Really sorry to hear of your different difficulties.
I´m a 47 year old Swede diagnosed with Crohns 22 years ago, had two major surgeries in the mid 90´s - one re removal of colon (no stomy though), diagnosed with diabetes type 2 one year ago, and through the years "gathering lots of experience" of different "related" diseases like pancreatits, osteonecrosis, joint pains, high blood pressure, multiple kidney stones, hernias, ileuses, ulcers, etc. etc. And through the years I´ve tried pretty much most of the available treatments and medicines for the Crohns.
BUT, this said I also want to say that I´m a father of three teens, engaged since 26 years, working as a high executive (Chief Controller) at a global company in the Space Industry, training 4-6 days a week (weights/gym & running), eating & drinking pretty much everything (but in a healthy balanced way (most of the time anyway ;-)), etc. Feeling good most of the time.
For the diabetes (which I don´t think so much about) I take a Insulin-shot once a day at bedtime (takes Insulin instead of meds like Metformin cause they don´t work good when lacking a colon..) and for Crohns right now Remicade every six weeks (since many years) and Pentasa and Flagyl. That´s it. (Best thing for diminishing Crohn-problems was quit smoking three years a go though after almost thirty years.. Hate "morality" but that was really the case.)
Sure I have had many many tough times, and I sure don´t want to diminish any problems we experience suffering from these diseases - but I want to share that´s it is possible to overcome a lot and to live very very good lives regardless. After ****** times better times often come, and when one treatment maybe doesn´t work maybe another will, and sometimes just time makes things less rough.
Maybe I would have "puked" at these kind of positive postings when I was younger and more in to the real struggles - but at the same time if I was diagnosed today and was looking in to Internet for information I would have been quite scared from all the storys there.
Hang in there yáll!