Crohn's and the swine flu vaccine

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Nov 12, 2009
I do not have Crohn's myself, but my boyfriend does (and this relates to him). Today I got the LAIV swine flu vaccine (the nasal one). The paper they gave me says to stay away from people with extremely compromised immune systems, for example people in hospitals.. stuff like that. I also read online that I may be somewhat contagious for up to 21 days.. dunno how true that is but it makes sense, seeing as it was a live virus.

Anyways, I'm sure I'd be fine being around my boyfriend, but what about kissing or something like that? Should we avoid it for a week or two? He's on Pentasa if that makes a difference.

Thanks :)
I'm not an expert on this but the nasal vaccine contains a weakened live virus. The vaccine triggers an immune response and your body develops antibodies to the H1N1 virus so you will be protected if you are in contact with the H1N1 in the future.

Many Crohn's patients are treated with immunnosupprent therapies and other medicines that can weaken the immune system such as azathiaprine and Remicade. If your boyfriend is on one of these therapies I think it would be prudent to avoid activities that could spread the virus. If he is only on Pentasa, I don't see a problem.

As a side note, I am on Aza and Remi and plan on getting the H1N1 shot, not the nasal mist, tomorrow. I think with a weakened immune system its important to get vaccinated. I think the chances of any side effects from the vaccine are minimal while the chances of catching the virus and getting deathly ill are a high probability.

What do you all think?
He is only on Pentasa.. nothing else at the moment. If he has a flare-up, he has another medication that I do not know the name of unfortunately. But as I said, at the moment he's doing fine so it's just the Pentasa.
Yeah, I'd call the doc to be sure, but when I brought it up with my daughter's pediatrician he said there is possibly a risk, but it's pretty much about the same as walking through the mall. Still, I wouldn't take that as gospel and I'd talk to a physician first.
My daughter and husband informs me that the H1N1 shot is a dead virus culture, promotes your immune system to make antibodies to fight the virus. It was mentioned on the news that the incubation period is 2 weeks. My suggestion, if you are not sure wear a mask and wash your hands when in his presence, that way you can still be near him. I would avoid kissing, just to be on the safe side. I was sick and my daughter got it a week later at the University and came home but I made her wear a mask and used antibacterial wipes on things we touched often. Washing yours and his hands should eliminate and chances too. Just my thoughts.

i have crohns, and am on imuran and remicade and I will be getting the vaccine. I just had my remicade done though so Im going to wait a week or two first...but on the flip side my honey isn't going to be getting the shot....we all just have to make our choices I guess. All the best and I'm sure you'll both be fine. :)