Crohn's MAP vaccine: Interested in helping in translation?

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jul 18, 2012
Hi all,

You may have noticed that some people on this forum have volunteered to help prof. Hermon-Taylor and his daughter on his Crohn's MAP vaccine campaign. The campaign has already the Facebook site and the website will be released soon. The campaign plans to publish also an information sheet about it on the website in as many languages as possible. We have already some translations ready and for example I have translated the sheet from English into my own mother tongue in about one hour. It's no more than one page.

If you would like to help to translate this information sheet into a language you master well, please send me a private message and I will tell you more!
Still looking for volunteers especially for Spanish and Portuguese translations!
Also many other languages are still waiting for translators ;-)
Rough translation provided so there would not be need to translate the text from scratch.
I did see the post above but my spoken Portuguese is barely there and I can`t write it at all. :(
You’re still ahead of me! I only speak some weird dialect of Aussie lingo! :lol:
Ah well but the lingo I've learned - fair dinkum, roots, pig's arse!! :eek: I'd actually like to see the Australian translation of this information sheet! :lol: