Daughter scheduled for a scope and now she's getting sick

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Jan 11, 2012
daughter scheduled for a scope and now she's getting sick

She's been having flares (skin peeling off feet, constant pain in tummy, joints are aching) since last June, (3 day hosp stay in June on morphine) and we've adjusted her meds. But since the peeling of her feet in Jan our dr sched a colonoscopy and endoscopy. We've been on a waiting list, and her appt is Thurs. She woke up this morning all stuffy and has been clearing her throat all day :(
Just had to whine.. I don't want to have to re-sched, she's been so worried about having it done. I hope its gone by then.
Try giving her steam inhalations, a bowl of water hot enough to steam, put her face over it and a towel over her head. It loosens the snot and the moist air soothes the throat.

Hope she's feeling better soon!
Great advice for that Rebecca :)

I hope her sinuses clear up quickly ! Any chance it could just be some allergies?

Best of luck!
If there's no fever, they will probably proceed. Mucinex and LOTS of water is my advice.

Thank you all. No not allergies, def a cold. I will try the hot water. I will also look for the mucinex. I've heard of that before, but we've never tried it.
Good luck for the scopes. The only time I believe there is a problem is if she had a bad cough - just in case she coughed when she has the breathing tube in her throat. Otherwise I'm sure a normal cold shouldn't cause any problems. Hope she feels better!