Daughter w/ Crohn's

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Jun 11, 2012
Hi, my 10 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease this past January. For the past 2 yrs I had been taking her to the doctor because she was having constant diarrhea, I was told that because she also has Apserger's that she was just nervous and needed to relax and that would make everything okay. October of 2011 she began loosing weight and we noticed blood in her stool. The doctor told us again it was due to anxiety and not to worry. I took her to a specialist in December and the PA told me she was sensitive to stress and to try a IBS diet. A few days later after reviewing the notes the specialist called to schedule a colonoscopy, he said this was not IBS and saw an urgency because of the fevers, diarrhea, weight loss, blood, and extreme pain. I was SO happy that finally someone was listening to me and understood this was not normal or IBS!
A week later she passed out and her body began shutting down because she was unable to eat anything. After a week in the hospital, a colonoscopy, and upper GI we were told she has Crohn's Disease. They sent us home with RX for Pentasa and Prednisone and said that we should see the specialist in 4 weeks. No information, no guidance, just here you go-see you later. After 3 months of Prednisone, Pentasa, antibiotics, and 3 treatments of Remicade we had no results.
We recently began seeing another specialist in OKC and feel very confident that he understand the urgency we have for our daughter. She weighs 55lbs, is so hungry but can only eat small amounts and then spends most of her days in the bathroom. She is trying an anti spasm medication for 1 week, after this week her new dr will decide if he need to rescope her. It's been 5 months of medical treatment and he is so worried about her long-term health especially since the first specialist started her on Remicade so early. We've not seen results with Remicade, but since she's started it she has to keep doing it or the fear she will become allergic to it in the future.
There are so many families out there like mine who are given this diagnosis and then sent home to deal with it. Our new specialist is very kind and explains/educates us on what we need to do, but it's still scary dealing with this every day. We are lucky enough to have a lot of people who pray for our family and are there if we need them. I've thought of making a support group for my area, even though I cannot help anyone perhaps just knowing you're not alone will help ease some of the stress.
Hi Jschneider :)


Stress and Anxiety will exasperate and trigger physical symptoms with the Chron's.

I am a fellow aspie myself and am being treated for Depression and ADHD.
The thing with Chron's is that it is debilitating in itseself and then add the anxiety and depression..

With the predniszone, it will make her really hungry, I weighed only 156 lbs or so when I was discharged from the hospital on may 3rd... Now I am back up to 175 or so... my normal weight is 180 for my Body mass.

My Pysch DR has me taking the celexa and kolonopin for the depression and anxiety and I take adderall for the ADHD.

I think it is important to let the Psych Dr handle the psych meds and I let the GI dr handle the GI stuff.

When Dr's start going out of their field I interupt them and politely tell them that I will bring it up with my Psych Dr or whatever..

I had a general practitioner in the Hospital who gave me Ritalin because it was the hospital's policy not to give adderal... unless I had mine from home which I didn't. He didn't even call my Psych Dr as I requested nor did he consult with a psych dr there on staff...

The result was a nightmare I would not wish on anyone. it took me about a month after I got out of the hospital to get to where I could speak without stuttering..

as far as nutrition goes,
Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin D, Protein, Sodium,
those are essential.

Cream of wheat has Iron and Calcium
Grits are good for fiber,
Banannas and Apricots have a significant amount of Potassium and also I like the motts apple juice, it has 290mg of potassium per serving.

Apple sauce is good for potassium too, I add in a sliced banana and some blueberries... Bluberries are good for the heart.

Potassium will also help with calming the diareah.. and so will some home made chicken soup with rice. The rice acts as a cleaning agent and helps get rid of unwanted bacteria.

There are some really great and supportive people here and there are loads of informative threads...

we are all here for you
Skippy111-Thank you SO much for that information, that was so kind of you to share with me! I hope you continue to heal, you are right about medicine/specialist, there's a reason they specialize!
Hi and welcome.:ysmile:
My little farm girl is three. She's had symptoms since 6mo. old. I'm so sorry to hear about your girl. Such a hard age to deal with all this stuff. I know how it is to get the run around about what's realy going on in their little bodies. We just had our first GI and I'm waiting for the results of the blood test. We have a great parents forum. It's wonderful to know their are people going through this same hardship. They have been a good place for help and friendship. Glad you found your way here.
It really breaks my heart when I hear about children suffering, so meeting people like you is bitter-sweet. I look forward to interacting with caregivers and patients, there's so much we don't know and sometimes, like with Skippy111, I get ideas of things to try that I would never have thought of. This is a wonderful place, it will take me some time to get around to read all the wonderful posts-but I'll get there!
I look at it this way. Although God doesn not give sickness or disease, he uses it to his glory.

What I went through was Hell, but I know now that God allowed me to go through it to prepare me for whatever it is I was sent here to do... and through forums like this and volunteer work, I am able to share my testimony and help others to avoid going through what I did.

I am also learning from others too,
I try to be positive and hold back the sadness I feel over knowing how it all affected my family and friends, but now I know who my true friends are.

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