Delayed puberty

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Jul 20, 2012
Although I didn't realise it at the time, I now know that delayed puberty is common in Crohn's children. What sort of delay are we talking about? My daughter is 14 and has not started her periods. Obviously I don't wish more pain on her, but just wondered when she will 'catch up.' In hindsight I should have questioned earlier why she hadn't started, as apparently you usually follow your mother's pattern - I was 11 and my mum was 12.
I haven't been dx with crohn's, but I didn't start puberty until I was fifteen; may have been closer to 16. I was flat chested as a board and very thin. I have had GI issues as well as other issues all my life. Here I am in my late 40's and I just had my first endoscopy. Getting an upper GI motility study done tomorrow, colonoscopy early next week and a Colon Sitz Mark the following week. Considering what was found on the endoscopy, some possible EIM's (dry eyes since before 1996 etc) it's going to be interesting to see what they uncover in the other test and if I get a dx. When you mentioned your daughter hasn't had her menses and you feel she is having delayed puberty onset, you didn't mention if her breast were budding etc... If you see absolutely no signs of puberty, check with her pediatrician as well as the main doc for her crohn's.

My daughter started showing signs of puberty at age 8. Very early, but then again, my grandmother on my father's side of the family started her menses at age 10. I don't know the status of my mother or her mother as they both are deceased and everything health wise was kept hush, hush.

I would be very interested in what you find out from the docs, so please keep us up to date. For now, let your daughter enjoy being a kid. Puberty will come about all in due time.

Blessings and prayers coming your way, NL

My daughter cycle become back after almost 18 months. 7 months after the start of treatment at 17 years of age.
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If your daughter is underweight or otherwise malnourished from the Crohn's, the body will hault growth including puberty, I guess as a mechanism of preserving scare resources. Her growth should return once her health improves. You could see an endocrinologist and do a bone age to assess whether her bones are that on a 14 year old. If it is, the delayed puberty might not be a function of the Crohn's. I am guessing it is though.
My daughter is 15 and has just started to get a few hairs thats about it no other signs of puberty yet. She was sick for a year before she was diagnosed . When we went to the IBD clinic recently i mentioned it but they weren't too concerned . She has started to put on a bit of weight so hopefully she'll catch up soon... I didn't get my period till i was about 14 .
Try not too worry too much.
It's important to distinguish between delayed puberty (no pubertal development (no breast development) at age 14 in girls) and delayed menarche (never having had a period at age 16 or older). If your daughter has breast development but no periods, she isn't considered delayed, though she may be delayed for your family.

Both puberty and menarche can be delayed by anything that causes a low BMI; serious illness itself can also cause these delays. Puberty generally starts/progresses and/or periods begin when the body is renourished and illness is controlled.
Well illness controlled here but extreme exercise...still only 13 so I am figuring we will join the 15/O club.

Just never thought her 4 years younger sister would have to explain everything to her...two ends of the spectrum...precoscious puberty and no puberty...Someone is laughing up there!
I didn't have my period till almost 15 and the rest of my family had theirs alot sooner. My crohns didn't start till almost 20 so i don't think that had anything to do with it. I wouldn't worry till she passes her 15th birthday. I remember my mother pestering me like crazy about whether it had happened yet lol.
oh and...the April before O's dx she had blood in the toilet and when she wiped..we automatically assumed it was her period. Went out and got everything all ready then it stopped. So figured spotting. Then again over foward to January and in hospital getting blood transfusions and dx...duh! The bleeding was her Crohns...anyone want to guess the guilt I was dealing with over not catching it all sooner? Funny thing is for one fleeting moment I actually thought...could that be rectal bleeding...nah! :duh:
Crohnsinct, Quit beating yourself over the head. There's no way you could have known it was rectal bleeding. You both got through it, that's all that matters.

Blessings & Prayers coming your way, NL
My daughter is 14 & her period only comes when she is in remission. If she is having a flare, it will not come. She started her period about 2yrs ago but then it never came back for a whole year. And now when she does get her period, she has to take extra dose of mirilax cuz she always seems to get backed up at that time.
I get backed up for the two weeks prior to the start of mensus. Has her thyroid levels ever been checked? I have hypothyroidism.