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Sep 9, 2010
I might have figured something out about my diet.I started keeping a food diary and i think meat triggers my crohn's to flare up.Is this odd ?I have seen an article about a vegan diet has work wonders for this lady with crohns has anyone tried it out?
I know for me there were times when red meat (specifically cow beef) was hard for me to tolerate, but I always seemed to be able to tolerate fish and chicken though (neither breaded or fried).

I don't know about the article you are refering to, but I know there are many different diets promoted for IBD sufferers and some can be meat heavy (Specific Carbohydrate Diet does not limit any meat to the best of my knowledge for example).
I stay away from red meat as much as possible. It definitely causes me grief. Meat cooked up in stews or casseroles doesn't seem to affect me as much, I can have it in small doses, but as soon as I get a good old steak into my guts, that's it, I know I will pay for it. For me, very hard to digest and I would say for a lot of others also :)
I'm not keeping a food diary anymore after a while you start to remember what not to eat. I never buy fresh veggies anymore. Eat lots of green beans with my meals that's the one for sure I can eat. I do chew my food better than I use to plus smaller bites when eating beef. No issues with chicken.
I personally wouldn't want to follow a vegan diet, as I can't eat beans and pulses, so I wouldn't get enough protein. I find minced (ground) beef is better than steaks. Also fish goes down well with me, and chicken and pork. Generally I casserole meat, or bake it in the oven, as it's tenderer. Even if I just want a pork steak, I put it in a dish and cover it with gravy to cook it, and fish it out when it's done.
Try eating things like eggs if you can see if it is specifically meat or possibly the protein. I have a buddy with CD and him and his doctor have come to the conclusion that foods high in protein make him run to the bathroom right after a meal.
Meat does cause problems for some people; Myself, there's certain meats I can't eat at all, and some I have only in moderation. I don't think I could ever go truly vegan. Vegetarianism interests me for several reasons, but like Rebecca says, the bean thing keeps me from making the switch. My diet consists of a lot more eggs and fish than it used to, and that seems to keep my tummy happy. If you can digest beans and legumes, then why not give the vegan diet a try and see if it works? You can always come back... ;)
I find red meat aggravates my tum a bit so I stick to chicken, fish and eggs. I at least know that they're safe :)
I have been vegetarian for over 20 years now but only started with suspected Crohn's symptoms this year (still not diagnosed but GI strongly suspects Crohn's). Having not eaten meat for so long I have no idea if it would make my symptoms worse but being vegetarian certainly hasn't stopped me from getting d, pain, fatigue etc etc
If eating less meat means fewer symptoms for you then I'd definitely recommend it though :)
I use to be a big meat eater. Then I read a book called Self Healing Colitis & Crohns by David Klein. David Klein said he has never met anyone who recovered from Colitis & Crohns whilst still eating meat and other animal protein. After a bit of experimenting, I too discovered that meat caused me to have terrible flares. I am now trying to following a vegan diet. I say trying because it is hard to break habits of a lifetime overnight.

I had some chicken last week and have been regretting it ever since. From experiments, my main triggers appear to be meat, dairy, flour, nuts, alcohol, soy, lentils / legumes, beans / baked beans, rice, chocolate and sugar. From that list I am still having chicken, fish and alcohol every so often, but I am trying to wean myself off them because they keep giving me flares.

I am controlling things with a mainly vegan diet of fruit, vegetables, seaweeds, vegetable juices, smoothies, water, herbal teas, sprouted seeds, limited soaked nuts and coconut water. I am sort of following the principles set out in the book Self Healing Colitis & Crohns, but I am not as strict as I should be. I really must start being stricter. I am about 85% better than I was but think I could be 100% better if only I could maintain the diet.

I get my main source of protein from sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds, quinoa, chia seeds, green leafy and other vegetables, limited soaked nuts and sprouted grains. It is really easy to get enough protein on a vegan diet as long as it is properly planned.
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I looooooove red meat! For the most part it gives me no problems. However in the last few months, sometimes just the thought of it turns my stomach. A couple of times I've eaten it anyway (when it's the only food I've got defrosted and I've gotta cook for hubby) and I've noticed that I'm in the bathroom almost straight away. So I've learnt to listen to my tummy, and while I will still cook it for him, I'll find something else for me.
Can't say that red meat or meat in general has made me worse, I like my meat. It usually has actually made things more bound, so to say, especially chicken breast and fish. Rather, what makes me worse is lactose-ridden dairy and really spicy food, or a lot of sugar. Beyond that, I can eat some veggies and nuts, even, and not get worse than I am. And it's worth it because of the nutrients. I've done nothing but batter my body down with malnutrition since I was diagnosed as a healthy athlete in 2006, and if I'm gonna be sick no matter what the hell I eat, I may as well get some nutrition. :D

Red meat has great amounts of iron in it, too, which we lose when we bleed. Each of us is different with Crohn's, though, so there's no real way to dictate perfect foods. An established pattern will denote a good or bad food best. :)
Roo is just starting on a vegan diet.

I guess she has been semi vegetarian for a while in that she has only been eating seafood occasionally with the bulk of her diet being fruit and vegetables. She has not liked or tolerated red meat since her operation and now no longer likes chicken. She hasn't tolerated dairy very well either so has been using soy milk and tofu.

She finds when eats processed foods, meats and dairy it causes her cramping, bloating and even constipation at times! which is interesting in someone with short bowel syndrome.

She seems keen on pursuing this type of diet as she says she feels well on it and has more energy. It will be interesting to see how she goes over time.

Note: Roo has been in remission since her resection 4 years ago.

Dusty. :)
I pretty much gave up red meat about a month ago and it has helped. I still have it occasionally but mostly just eat chicken.

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