Discoloured teeth

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Sep 7, 2011
I've just noticed this morning that Kian's teeth have grey patches on them!! I did have a look on Google and it says that iron supplements can cause this to happen. Anyone had this happen to them at all? X
:hug:No never heard of it.
:eek2:But I swear Grace's teeth are taking on a slight orange because of her formula....hubby says I'm nuts.:lol:
It says if the tablet is held in mouth before swallowing this can happen and I've noticed Kian does have it in his mouth for a time before he swallows it. X
Never heard of that. Andrew has a liquid one he gulps down quite quickly. You could give the pharmacy a call, they should know
Fluoride can cause blotchy teeth as well as some antibiotics such as tetracycline

I am a victim of this, likely from tetracycline I had as a child.

Formula only without food can cause a coating on the teeth but disappears once food is introduced.

DS has not had issues with iron stains but his are capsules - filled with the supplement so not tablets.

Good luck let us know what the pharmacy says
Yup Maddie has had greying issues from her iron supplement. It went away when she had the NG tube in - we were putting her meds through the tube so they weren't coming in contact with her teeth. If that's what is causing the greying, I've been told not to worry - it doesn't damage the teeth and the discoloration will go away once supplementation stops.
Went to dentists and absolutely nothing to worry about and they said it wouldn't be the ferrous sulphate he is on, didn't know where staining had come from but he got them scaled and polished and now has a glowing smile 😁thank goodness was nothing to worry about though.....I must admit I worry about every little thing, think I need to take a chill pill sometimes. Lol