Do you see a connection to between anxiety and symptoms?

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Apr 26, 2013
Hello friends,
We are having a really tough time, as some of you know my son Nick was diagnosed with Crohn's about 2 months ago, he is a very sensitive boy always has been, to the point of being so empathetic he worries excessively about his family and almost every one else, he always gives people the benefit of the doubt. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer almost a year ago by the time we caught it, it had spread to the brain. Colin was a non smoker, non drinker very healthy 47 year old. By the way,we are living in South East Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Col is doing great and fighting hard. We have scans this week or next to decide how the treatment has progressed and we are all VERY worked up about them. I haven't shared with Nick as he seems to go down hill fast when anxious, long story short can nerves cause a flare or give you bloody diarrhoea ? As this was how Nick presented with symptoms, about the same time his dad was having treatment. I am normally really honest about all that's happening but feel it might be best to shield him until we know one way or the other. As I don't want him to become ill over this.
Sorry I must sound like I am ranting, but just would like some advice.
For me - stress and anxiety make symptoms worse.
Symptoms also cause me significant anxiety.
I spend a lot of time avoiding and minimising stress and anxiety!
My 11 year old daughter has ulcerative colitis and yes, stress affects her terribly. She was being bullied in school for approx 2 mos. In those 2 mos she had symptoms, diarrheah, joint pain, mouth ulcers etc every single day. Now that things have calmed down, her symptoms have calmed down as well. (((hugs))) prayers for good news at your husbands scans.
Anxiety here = increase in bathroom trips.

Especially when DS was younger any change to our routine would send him into a fit of worry in the bathroom with stomach aches and diarrhea. As he's gotten older he now understands the connection between the anxiety and bathroom runs and tries to put things in perspective.

Is Nick seeing a therapist? Or have an outlet for his anxieties?
Hi Mehita, he sees a councillor at school who is fantastic, he has a regular appt each week but he seeks her out if he needs to talk, often he has no problems and they just play Jenga. He considers her to be a good friend. Unfortunately he is moving up to middle school this year and he is also losing his best friend + 3 other good friends, international school is a very transient community. Nick said since he has been on pred he hasn't felt so worried, I think I must look in to some other form of a anxiety/stress reliever for him. God knows I could do with something myself (other than a glass or three of red wine, it's good for you...honest), thanks for your concern, it's a horrible journey we are all on.
Yep, we see a link. My son's stress mostly manifests as abdominal pain. The hard part is that my son's pain is what causes him the most stress so it is a horrible cycle that I don't know how to break. We have taken him to a psychologist and he has some deep relaxation techniques that he uses but really the stress for him goes away when his physical symptoms improve.

I have been wondering if some of my son's symptoms have been exacerbated by my MIL's recent diagnosis with ALS. I also like to be very honest and lay out all the facts. At one point we tried to keep the pending diagnosis from the kids and I think it caused them to worry even more, so I have gone back to laying it all out there for them.

I hope your husband's scans bring good news.

I shield my son from a lot and he's 16. I don't lie, but I speak more positively than I actually feel and I leave out the gory details. This seems to have the best result.

I've noticed that when my son becomes stressed, he almost completely loses his appetite, so I've asked him not to do things that cause him to get stressed right now and often remind him of his most important job: To gain weight.
There was a study about this in Japan. They researched what happened to people who had crohn's disease after the Japanese Earthquake / Tsunami, a very stressful event. There was no correlation between stress and worsening of crohn's disease.

I was more stressed when I had a flare, but I don't think the flare was caused by the stress, it was just a result of the flare.
I believe there is an absolute correlation. My son had an tremendous amount of stress the 18 months prior to diagnoses. Once he was diagnosed and had returned to school (the following year) anytime he missed a day of school he would stress about making up the work. It was a vicious cycle for him both physically and mentally. It was major contributing decision to homeschool him, to alleviate the stress - per doctor's orders...

Regarding your son being empathetic - I'll pm you as I believe there is much you can do to help him.

I have often wondered what is the demographics regarding personality types of individuals with Crohn's/UC - as when my son was first diagnosed I was asked if he was a type A personality (he is...) and I was told they see that often. :yrolleyes:
I really hope your husband has some good news and big hugs to your family.

In my opinion there is DEFINATELY a link between anxiety and symptoms.. if i get anxious i feel nauseas and instantly need to go to the toilet. I find that deep breathing trying to think things through calmly helps.

Hope things start to look up for you all xx

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