Does anyone live in Oregon or Washington???

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 4, 2012
Hello All,

I live in Oregon and have been to 2 GI doctors who both were terrible. So....does anyone live in the Oregon/Washington area who has a good doctor that they like and is willing to listen and work with the patient???? Any help would be awesome. Thanks!!
You can use the Search facility (see the bar along the top of the page) and enter either Oregon or Washington, then go down to the "Search in Forums" in the bottom right hand and choose "Doctor Reviews"

This will give you other Forum members' recommendations. There is one in Oregon and three in Washington.

Good luck with finding a doctor who will work with you.
I am down I5 abit in Corvallis... My gi's website is:

I replied to your other thread with my opinion about them. I liked the dr that preformed my colonoscopy. I am unsure about the pa that I see/interact directly with. She was really good at listening at the first appointment. Got me in right away. But now with questions and getting more definitive response she seems standoffish tell she gets the genetic prognostic test back.

I am supposed to call in this week if they don't call me and find if my genetic test thing got lost or something. And next week get and appointment for ??? to see how well my kidneys, and blood are handling the lialda.

I will name wich ones I saw in a pm if you like.

I am getting better too so that's at least a great result from seeing them!
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