Hi im wondering does havign crohn's disease make you physically weaker/lacking in stamina? Obviously it makes you weak and unable to do anything during a flare up, at least it did with me during flare ups im effectively bed ridden and barely have the strength to eat but what about when in remission?
Now that im in remission im able to live life almost normally but i feel as though I am ssomehow weaker and have less stamina than I did before I manifested my first symptoms of Crohns. So Im wondering are people living with crohn's generally weaker than others? perhaps weaker is the wrong word its just hard to convey what I mean. For example would physically strenuous sports be more hazardous to a person with crohn's? or would a person with crohn's tire out more easily? I am just speaking generally when I ask these questions I do know that there are some professional athletes with crohn's but I kinda figured theyd be the exception, Im just asking in general.
Now that im in remission im able to live life almost normally but i feel as though I am ssomehow weaker and have less stamina than I did before I manifested my first symptoms of Crohns. So Im wondering are people living with crohn's generally weaker than others? perhaps weaker is the wrong word its just hard to convey what I mean. For example would physically strenuous sports be more hazardous to a person with crohn's? or would a person with crohn's tire out more easily? I am just speaking generally when I ask these questions I do know that there are some professional athletes with crohn's but I kinda figured theyd be the exception, Im just asking in general.