Dull ache after bowel movement

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 31, 2015

I am having dull ache after bowel movement. This starts around 15-20 minutes after I have bowel movement and continues 3-5 hours after that.

Doctor has prescribed stool softner and relaxant ointment. I have had no relief from it.

I keep monitoring my stool once in a while. I don't notice anything specific and surely I have not seen any blood.

I had a similar episode around 4 years back and it was diagnosed as fissure at that time. After applying a couple of ointment (don't remember the names now) for one week, everything was fine.

I need some help please ...
Hi i would go back to doc n say that its not helping. And mention the previous issue too in case it may be back. Best wishes 💕
Fissure... Fistula is what I had that caused this. Also get checked again by your dr. I have crohns also in my large bowel so get it looked at. Pain was my first symptom. Some patients develop something like proctitis is which inflames the lower end of your colon and causes aching pain after bm. I hope you and your dr get it figured out so you can get relief

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