Dumping syndrome won't let me eat hot food

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Jan 8, 2008
Every morning I'll get up and go my first time (cuz there's usually a second time I need to go within 30 minutes that won't come out the first trip), then fix breakfast (either something hot, or some cereal with soy (only 'cause can't have dairy) milk....Due to the dumping syndrome I've always battled with, my first bite or so will send me running. Food's usually the only way this second trip is initiated, so I've got no choice but to chance it.

By the time I'm done, I've either got cold food, or mushy Rice Krispies.

*^%^&*%**^^^% &****&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ymad:
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Oh man that sucks. I every so often get that but can normally hold on till I'm finished. Best of luck to you
Hmmm, I wouldn't go that far.. I was going to suggest you trigger it 1st by eating a small breakfast bar, or digestive cookie. Then, after that triggers your 2nd foray you return to the kitchen and have your real meal... unless, of course, every bite triggers a bathroom run... which is what dumping syndrome usually implies, don't it? In which case, I think there's an eating pattern designed to slow or halt it, but I dunno how effective it is; or if they bother to attempt it anymore. I never had it, but there was an SOP for it 30 years ago.
I've contemplated the taking the breakfast with me, but things can get messy (and have been) in the bathroom, and I'm not sure (warning gross joke) if I'm willing to accept 'special gravy' on my hot food.

Since bananas are alright for me usually, I've tried what you said Kev, sometimes it works, sometimes not. The dumping syndrome sometimes takes a little more food than other times, in which case, I've finished half my food and eaten hot food or crunchy cereal for a change. Most of the time it's the first couple bites. Not that I can't resolve it with the banana thing, but it's still frustrating nonetheless.

Also frustrating is the position my body is in, like at work when I'm at my desk all day and then resituate my body because my leg falls asleep, for example....suddenly there's a magical materialization of fecal matter that has to come out that second, and I go dashing for the bathroom. Sudden movements have a "dumping syndrome-like" effect too, like getting up after sitting for a while, etc...
Hmmm, I've never noted a correlation to activity and my 'spontaneous' episodes (back when I had them). Not saying they didn't exist; just that I didn't pickup on them (movement as possible 'trigger'). I hope I never have the opportunity to see if there is one.
hello,your morning sounds like mine.But usally coffee will send me running, I have a extra trip in there than you do And yes some types of activity will send you running too.This can be a real pain in the ass at times