E.coli Bacteria may be linked to Crohn's

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Oct 27, 2006
Can't believe this hasnt been posted on here yet! :
(Wasn't there someone on this forum that suspected e.coli when doing frequency experiments?)

Taken from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/79093.php

E. coli Bacteria Linked To Crohn's Disease

A team of Cornell University scientists from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences have discovered that a novel group of E. coli bacteria -- containing genes similar to those described in uropathogenic and avian pathogenic E. coli and enteropathogenic bacteria such as salmonella, cholera, bubonic plague -- is associated with intestinal inflammation in patients with Crohn's disease in their research paper published by The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology.

Crohn's disease, an incurable inflammatory disorder of the intestine -- most commonly found in the lower part of the small intestine called the ileum -- affects 1-in-1,000 people in Europe and North America. Thus far, gut bacteria have long been suspected in playing a pivotal role in the development of Crohn's disease, but the specific bacterial characteristics that drive the inflammatory response have remained elusive.

Researchers at Cornell examined possible causes for the disease in patients with Crohn's restricted to the ileum and the colon versus healthy individuals.

"Given that only about 20 percent of fecal bacteria can be cultured, our group adopted a broad culture-independent approach to target specific subgroups of bacteria for quantitative in situ analysis and culture based characterization," said Kenneth Simpson, professor of small animal medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine. "Our findings raise the possibility that a novel group of E. coli contains opportunistic pathogens that may be causally related to chronic intestinal inflammation in susceptible individuals. They suggest that an integrated approach that considers an individual's mucosa-associated flora in addition to disease phenotype and genotype may improve outcome."

The study found an increased level of E. coli bacteria in more inflamed areas of the small intestines instead of MAP, a bacterium related to tubercle bacillus that has been more commonly associated with Crohn's.

To access the full research study titled "Culture independent analysis of ileal mucosa reveals a selective increase in invasive Escherichia coli of novel phylogeny relative to depletion of Clostridiales in Crohn's disease involving the ileum" and related microscopic images, access the current issue of the ISME Journal at http://www.nature.com/ismej/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/ismej200752a.html.
I have an irritation of both my surgical area and terminal ilium when running frequencies for E-coli. I could not determine if the irritation was due to killing or weakening of the bacteria buried in the tissue or if it was just affecting the tissue in a more direct manner. Rife type treatments often do not have enough evidence behind them for a particular bacteria. I stopped the treatments since I was not sure of what was going on.

I do know that normal people are not affected by the E-coli frequencies although they certainly must have some E-coli in their gut as well.

Thanks for the Cornell paper. I have not seen this study before. I am hoping that the shotgun approach I am using now will reduce all the suspected Crohn's pathogens. I am doing well, but not cured.

D Bergy
OK, I'm not going to jump on the e-coli bandwagon like I did the MAP one. however, if I am interpreting what I'm reading correctly (and let me tell you, that's a BIG "IF"), I wonder why someone didn't immediately propose test treating the e-coli present in a follow up.. or as and adjunct to the original work? I mean, for criminy sake, when the boys in the lab discovered penicillin... they didn't stop and say ''Throw this bread out and we'll get some fresh and try again!".. And some of the terms they've used. Like, I get a kick (and a bit of a headache) trying to decipher exactly what they mean by the phrase 'novel'.. Is it a form of e-coli thats' addicted to short stories? Or do they simply mean it's a new branch of the e-coli family that they aren't familiar with? In any event, did they test this little bugger to see if it's susceptable to the current family of anti-biotics that kill off e-coli safely and effectively?
(God let's hope it's not an anti-biotic resistant variant they've turned up there). If I came out of a bad restaurant after eating an undercooked burger, and had a case of e-coli, what would my local ER physican prescribe, and where can I get me some? If I had an earache that wouldn't go away, literally any doctor would send me off with an anti-biotic cocktail.
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I may have posted this before but I do not remember. There was a study done on treating Crohn's patients with an ulcer protocol. The results were quite good. They were targeting H-Pylori with the ulcer treatment but the antibiotic therapy likely killed
many varieties of bacteria. Maybe E-coli also, who knows. I did not save the link to the original article but Dr. Mercola has commentary on it in the following link.


Why this is not used, I do not know. But much the same can be done without any prescriptions. This is more or less what I am doing now. I gave up on trying to find bacteria X. I am just going to kill them all by a relentless assault on bad bacteria. The shotgun method. I do not like it because it does not answer the "what bacteria" question. But, I do not like continually treating symptoms either.

Best Regards

D Bergy
A peculiar adhesive, invasive E coli strain has been found to be associated with CD lesions but has not been established as a cause.

However a different strain of E coli is also being investigated as a probiotic and has shown promise. Specifically strain nissle 1917

The media often reports people getting sick from E coli and leaves it at that but there are many strains of E coli. Most strains are harmless or even beneficial and E coli is a normal part of enteric flora in humans. Only specific strains such as the shigella toxin producing strains (O157:H7 and relatives) that they are talking about but rarely if ever identify cause problems. Media reporting of this is as sloppy as media reporting of scientific issues usually is.
i hope they would state which strain was discovered in the report... all i can assume is that they are continuing research on this finding.

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