Hi Hattie95,
Sorry to hear your diagnosis but anyways once you accept crohn's you will learn to manage it eventually....
Good to hear that you wrote your exams I wish you good grades too. All the best
cheers! !
One very effective method which I have learnt in order to concentrate on studying during my flare ups or while I am terribly tired or sleepy is deep breathing. This might sound sober but being a student of science I hope you understand deep breathing helps you to eliminate excess of CO2 from your body and taking in more of O2 which will keep your brain alter. The other advantage is it will help you calm and thus acts as a major [wiki2="Stress"]stress[/wiki2] buster during exams (one important note: keep your stress levels always low since stress can trigger flare ups).
Just sit in a calm place in practise deep breathing everyday you will find the difference very evidently. Just do it 10 times now...I bet you will continue the habit.
It good to see people talk about acedmics in this forum since we all know the magnitude of effect crohn's has on acedmics. ......reading experiences of other people at least we know we aren't alone...
Let me know your experience with deep breathing technique hattie95...
All the best