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When my son did EEN for six weeks to induce [wiki2="Remission"]remission[/wiki2], he was allowed clear fluids.  This included clear pop or gaterade, freezies/popsicles (no chocolate), gummies, clear candies (again, no chocolate flavour, caramel, etc....  only 'clear'), jello and broth.  The broth made a big difference!  Being able to have a bowl of broth as 'dinner' gave him something savoury.  As well, he was able to take broth to school in a thermos and eat lunch with his friends (I know school is ending but this could be done when going to a friend's for the day??).  And, while limited, there is some variety in broth - beef, chicken, veg, seafood.  (I bought organic broth - the one I made at home never seemed to be as clear as the store bought.)

Perhaps ask your son's GI if he will allow clear liquids along with the EEN??
