Hey Clapton,
Imuran works wonderfully well for some but not others as does Remicade but put them head to head and I don’t think anyone can deny that Remicade has a more impressive record. Another factor that would put Remicade ahead in the race in your case is that your son has perianal disease, Remicade is particularly good at treating disease located there. I have skimmed over your other posts and I see that you have mentioned that there has been evidence of a fistula, unfortunately that means his disease has been or is now beyond what would be considered mild.
I understand what your son is saying about feeling fine but does he truly feel that way or have his symptoms been so insidious that the abnormal has become normal without him realising it. Do you know what I mean?
What your biggest challenge is now is compliance. If your son flatly refuses to take Remicade then there is no choice but to go to Imuran. If he does go that route then he has two things to take on board. Firstly Imuran is not a drug that produces immediate results, it will take at least 3 months, and for some as long as 6 months, to become fully therapeutic. Secondly he must go into this decision with his eyes wide open and be objective about the results the drug is producing. If Imuran isn’t cutting it then he needs to move off it and onto something else, the GI needs to give him a clear time frame in which the drug is deemed effective or not.
As to my children? Well Imuran has worked very well for them but there is a very clear distinction in our case. Both of my children needed resections due to complications. The surgery resulted in a disease free bowel and remission, so in their cases Imuran was working off a clean slate.
Good luck mum, life as a teenager, and with a teenager :lol:, is hard enough without Crohn’s being thrown into the mix! :ghug:
Dusty. xxx