I think what it proves is rather simple, these cases are not all Crohn's, and many of the other cases are not diagnosed correctly. Mine is a good example. I have a pseudo-Crohn's because my immune system is trashed. Boosting it fixes my issues. How many people out there might be in the same situation? Too many if you ask me. The doctors were very quiick to just give me Crohn's medicines and suppress my already messed up immune system. Wrong thing to do, they almost killed me in the process. I had to be my own advocate and search for answers. I finally got to an immunologist and we figured it out before the doctors killed me with drugs I didn't need. Moral of the story is to be careful and not assume that doctors know everything or have it right. If you aren't reacting well to medications, and you get worse, make it a point to find out what it really is before you just accept that the doctors are always right. Look at the bug they finally found for stomach ulcers. I feel soon they will discover more of these bugs are causing issues for many of you. And some of you have genetic issues that make your digestive tract have problems, and some of you will find out you are just allergic to certain foods or medicines, and others will find that they have other issues. Just don't roll over and accept that the doctor is right unless the treatment is working.