EUA Questions

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Mar 24, 2013
I'm scheduled for an exam under anesthesia Friday, & pretty nervous about it, even though I know it's not a huge deal. So what can I expect? I have had a small lower rectal abscess/nodule for a long time, and at times it has caused a polyp which was recently removed during a colonoscopy, no big deal. Basically no symptoms other than the bleeding caused by the polyp, and an ache.

Doc said I may or may not have a fistula underneath the inflamed area, just won't know til my EUA. Are EUAs pretty standard/common for removing small nodules/abscesses or fistulas? Wouldn't he want to do some kind of imaging first, to see if I in fact have a fistula underneath the small pus-filled area?

Doc said if I don't have the inflamed area removed, then it will just cause more polyps. I'm hoping it's just a nodule, and no fistula. I get this dull ache in my left buttocks when I sit sometimes, but no pain at all in bowel movements or otherwise. Just the dull ache.

Colorectal doc said the procedure should only last a few minutes. In my follow-up exam last week he examined the area 4 weeks after polyp was removed & the area was sitll draining pus when he pushed on it, and very very sensitive, so I guess it needs to come out.

But haven't had any rectal bleeding lately, and kind of worried that if I do the procedure the bleeding will come back. How long is healing process from EUA/fistulotomy, and if I need a fistulotomy, will he do it during the EUA so I won't have to have another surgery later?

Lastly, if I do have a fistula, can I request before my EUA that I want the glue or the packing, and NOT a seton? Because I really think those sound better and tend to heal faster, than those setons, which I really don't want.

Not going to sign any consent form until I get some more clarity. Thanks for the advice, guys & gals!
Hello Mark. I wish I had some real definitive answers for your questions. But I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and your EUA tomorrow.

From reading your posts, I would say that you and I have very different circumstances for our respective EUAs. I have convinced myself both for and against sharing this because I'm not sure how relevant it is to your case. Anyway, keeping that in mind, my reply in this post is when I had my EUA. I am hopeful that it can help you feel a little more at ease.

Good luck tomorrow, Mark! Wishing you well, and the answers and peace of mind you're seeking. :hug:
Thanks! EUA was a breeze. They took good care of me, good meds, felt nothing, bout 8 hours since a no pain yet knock on wood. Cautiously optimistic. Good to have it over with. Hoping I an bounce back & get back to normal quickly! My CR doc found & removed what he called a small pimple-like nodule, & put stitch. Butt & spincter is still numb, & have trouble contracting the muscle back there because of this, but sure it will wear off.

The EUA was a total breeze. Now fingers crossed that I have a smooth recover.
Thanks I was relieved about not having a fistula. I had put off having that nodule removed for a long time, but just got tired of dealing with it, and the CRS told me it needed to come out, so I just bit the bullet and did it. Procedure was pretty easy. Something about having a procedure though, even a minor one, seems to get my bowel habits all out of whack, I am going more often and the stools are somewhat watery. Looking forward to putting this behind me. Feeling very fortunate so far that it was nothing serious.