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Apr 25, 2012
How do you exercise when you feel like crap all the time?

I am beyond frustrated, I am having diarrhia all the time, blood and mucus in my stools, I am not eating much, what I do eat just goes right through me, not on prednisone and I am still fat. I don't get it.

I need to lose weight because none of my clothes are fitting anymore.

ETA: I am sorry I know that sounds very vain and shallow but I am just very frustrated at the moment because I don't have enough money to buy new clothes. :(
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I totally understand where you're coming from. I was on a regular exercise routine until I got sick earlier this year. Been diagnosed since January and has been on prednisone since. I have gained a little weight and i just don't feel good about myself. It is not vain to feel as you do, very normal. I do know that 90% of weight loss is in what you eat, I lost over 50 lbs last year, then fell into a good exercise routine to tone up a bit. I really want to get motivated again, to feel better!!! I wish you the best of luck, take it one day at a time, start by taking baby steps!! Im going to try too!!!
Hey MissBG. I am with you. I just started working out everyday and trying to gain weight (opposite I know). I find it very difficult at times to go out to the gym and do a workout. I usually only go every other day to ease the tiredness. Also, when i'm at the gym and just not feeling it I will just sit and take a little break then go back at it.
I have found buying a treadmill was the best thing I could have done, I walk in the morning and night for 15 minutes and even when I feel terrible it always seems to lift my spirits and energy.
I used to be an avid runner, or at least went to the gym to run on the treadmill, but since diagnosis, it feels like any jumping around, or running causes my insides to do the same, and it becomes insta-pain. So I switched to biking - it's really good cardio and strength work, and you can do it indoors and out depending on the weather!
I just started on my weight loss routine. I was diagnosed Feb 10 and have been sick pretty much up and till now. Have been doing a lot better on my diet. I never realized how little i ate. I write down everything i eat. I highly doubt i would have been able to exercise and diet when i was at my worst. Vanity is part of being human. I felt disgusting after being on predisone and my face was huge. I tried Aerobic exercising when i was worse off and it caused cramping. Gentle walking for an hour in the morning and evening might be the most affective. Until your doing better. Then you can try more intense workouts. This is what im doing right now and its working for me but im currently doing better with the crohns.

-keep a nutrition log (write down everything you eat)
-Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner and two snacks
-Cutting my calories down to 1,200-1,300 calories to lose 17lbs/3 months or 1.41 lbs a week. healthy weight loss is no more than 1-2lbs a week. 1,200 calories is the minimum amount of calories a women can take in. But depending on your height you may need more.
-Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and strength training a couple time a week.
-I try to get all my servings of fruits and veggies a day. I steam my veggies and for the fruit i make a smoothie and get all my fruit servings out of the way in one meal.
(example i need 1.5 cups of fruit a day so i put 1/2 cup strawberries,1/2 cup blueberries and 1/2 banana,5 oz nonfat plain Greek yogurt(oikos or chobani) and liquid (water or almond milk)

-Try to get protein at every meal. It helps keep you fuller longer and helps build and preserve muscle mass. I use Greek yogurt,protein shakes,protein bars,eggs,salmon,etc.

Even though im only taking in 1,200-1,300 calories because they are nutrient dense its actually hard sometimes to eat all of the food im eating in one day. I stay full. Before i would just snack and then have a big meal.If you need any suggestion. I would be more than happy to help.
Thanks everyone! Its just been hard to even think about since I have been feeling so crummy that I can barely get everything done around the house. :(

I am just tired of being sick and tired but I can't seem to dig myself out of this funk I am in.
I understand what you mean about getting everything done around the house. I had a newborn when i was hospitalized and diagnosed with crohns and also had a 3 year old to take care of too. I don't think i could have done what im doing now at that time. My second son is a year and half now. Just to give you of an idea of how long it took me to get to where im at now. Do you have your b12 checked? I take a b complex and try to get all my water during the day. It helps. Exercise really helps me with my energy. I am tired mostly all the time. But i push myself to get out the door and go walking or get on the elliptical and do at least 20-30 minutes and then i feel energized. If i don't eat every 2-3 hrs i feel tired too.
Oh goodness!!! I can't imagine being in the hospital and having a newborn and a 3 year old at home.

To be honest I don't know what all he checks when I go to the lab... I don't go back until late september. I was doing super well for a while and then things started going down hill again and I guess I convinced myself that I was just having a couple of bad days long enought that I started having blood and all that fun stuff in my stools again and going 10x a day. They upped my does of Asacol but I still am not feeling well and now my hips are acting crazy again. I have problems with my pelvis staying in alignment also (thanks to my littlest one)... honestly guess part of what it amounts to is I am sick, I am hurting in more ways than one and I am feeling sorry for myself.
I love running! I am even training for a marathon right now!

However, there are lots of times lately that I need to go for a run and can't because I'm
In pain. Or if I'm doing a long run, I usually have to stop at the restrooms around the lake at least once....sometimes more. It makes it harder to keep on a regular schedule, but the fact that any exercise gets done is better than none at all! Hopping on the treadmill, bike, anything for just a few minutes will improve your mental state as well as your physical! Just listen to your body & don't overdo it!
i can so relate to how you feel. i don't think you're vain at all! this week i've started walking again. i've been doing 2 miles everyday (about 30 minutes total). if i start to feel pain i'll decrease my pace or even stop if i need to, or go back home.

walking has really helped my depression. i tend to feel so much better mentally afterwards.

the hardest part (at least for me) is putting my shoes on and actually walking out the door. it's easy once i'm out there doing it. sometimes if i can't get outside i'll do some pilates or yoga inside.

hope you start to feel better soon :)
I am an avid runner, weightlifter, crossfitter, and all around fitness fanatic...or I was before my diagnosis in early July. I haven't been able to do much of anything, let alone my typical routine. It's one of the things that is really, really getting me down lately. I just have no energy, I am so fatigued, my joints and muscles ache all the time, and I feel as though my body really can't handle the high intensity exercise that I used to. On days that I force myself to go for a walk or lift (lighter) weights, I do feel better though. So, I guess it's just a matter of getting out there and trying to do something, even when you don't feel like it. Just don't push it if you're in a flare though.
After I was diagnosed I never played high impact/intensity sports again my body can't take it anymore, waking up everyday is about as high intensity as I get. Keep at it Katy it can get better diagnosis is usually one of the worst flares you will ever have, especially if you start managing the disease.
One of the hardest things about the disease and resultant medications we find ourselves on is having to relearn what our bodies can handle. I am pretty fortunate since being put on Imuran about 4 years ago my flareups are pretty rare and mild. While I am flared up I just take it easy. I sleep as much as my body tells me, eat when and what I can and do what little activity I can handle, the fatigue is usually off the charts. Luckily I am in remission and only have flareups 2 or 3 times a year which are generally brief and handled with some prednisone. It sucks but until I am back in remission my body protests everything.
That's whati told my hisband yesterday... all these issues would be ao much easier to deal with if I didn't feel so exhausted all the time!
ive just jumped back on the exercise wagon. i do workout dvd's at home near my toilet. this means i can stop if i need to plus i can go at my own pace. start slow and work your way up. i think you get workout on you-tube if buying/cash is a problem.
just a frugal thought
all these issues would be much easier to deal with if I didn't feel so exhausted all the time![/QUOTE said:
I remember when i was struggling to walk up one flight of steps, exercise wasn't an option!
My suggestion (and it's only a suggestion) is that you try a paleo or SCD diet for a month.
It's fairly pointless trying to exercise when you are sick and have no energy.
Wait until you feel up to exercise, and on paleo you will probably loose a bit of weight without even trying.
Losing weight is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Start off with figuring out how many calories you need to consume to lose weight. Keep a nutrition log of everything you eat and plan your meals. Just walking 30 minutes a day will get the weight off. Or you can do 30 minutes in the morning and then in the evening. here are some things that help me.

-use an ipod with your favorite songs when your exercising
-make smoothies (great way to get in your fruit for the day)
-Grill up a bunch of chicken all at once so you can use it for meals later.
- i eat soluble fiber but stay away from insoluble(tears me up)
-Look into getting your b12 levels/thyroid checked. You can take a b12 supplement to help with your energy levels.
MissBG I can relate to the feeling fat. I hear a lot about weight loss when we are actively sick, but for me I gained weight. Even though I was having a BM 15x/day on average, I put on easily 10lbs. And since starting prednisone 4 weeks ago I have gained more weight and my face is now a round moon face. For me I try to stay positive and reaffirm to myself that my worth and my beauty is not defined by the size of my body. I am loved for being Me and not for the size of my clothing. It's difficult to be positive and change our pattern of thinking, but it is essential to recognize that a size 5 is just as beautiful as a size 14. My goal isn't to be "skinny" at this time; my goal is to be healthy. This change of focus is the only thing that allows me to not get so down about the change in my physical appearance.