Experience with Iron Infusions?

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Sep 11, 2012
Hey all.. just looking for some input on iron infusions!
Just got a call from my GI, and found out my iron is very low, and she is sending me to get my first iron infusion on November 16th.
Just looking to see if anyone has experience with iron infusions? What to expect? Any common side effects? Anything I should know!?

I am a bit of a paranoid worry wart I suppose, and just need to know everything before I get into things! I am starting on Remicade tomorrow (eek!) and am also currently on Imuran as well as Prednisone. I also take regular B12 shots, as well as calcium and vitamin D supplements!

I had one about 3 months ago, it took an hour and I chilled and fell asleep! No reactions or side effects, easy peasy.
I believe my iron levels have increased but I was a bit miffed cos I thought I would be bouncin around like Tigger, not so!
I'd have one again if necessary but I just don't feel any different, I'm still tired!
A belated thanks for your comments!
I had my infusion just over a week ago... I had some issues with my blood pressure dropping too low during it, but that was about it (and chilly!)... I did not feel great at all afterwards however... was pale and weak the rest of the day and ended up having to go home from work early :(

I see what you mean though, I was hoping for a boost in energy, but feel no change really!
my sister who also has crohns went for a few injections awhile back but stopped because they left her with huge permanent black/blue bruises at the injection site, maybe a shallow reason but she has these bruises forever and was never even warned it might happen!
I had them years ago, the frustrating thing is it takes a lot of time to get iron counts up but then no time at all for them to go back down it seems. But the infusions were fine (i was during Remicade infusions at the time) the only thing that was bad was that I had them done with a whole bunch of people taking Chemo. I always hated when they asked what I was there for. Cancer v low Iron. It was depressing.
I had an iron infusion a few years ago... just be careful. I'm not sure if it was dripped too fast, or I really was just allergic, but I had an allergic reaction and just about went into anaphylactic shock. My kidneys started to ache, I started to get a rash on my feet and hands, and then I started to black out. Thank goodness someone was with me to notify the nurse! My iron levels did go up after that... my iron stores were much better. Just be careful! I've kept my iron levels up doing green smoothies with tons of spinach or kale or other green everyday... Iron supplements give me terrible stomach aches.

Good luck!

I usually get Iron infusions a couple of times a year. I should say, 3 infusions in a row and then 6 months of feeling better. Then another 3 infusions..... Don't know why but my Iron just seems to slowly drop.

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