Extreme tiredness. Again.

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
After finally managing to get my fatigue under control with fluoxetine, I got a stomach bug and it has returned full force. Basically, I wake up in the morning feeling unrefreshed. At the weekends I eat breakfast then sleep for 2 hours or so. Same after lunch. In the week I struggle through work and nap as soon as I get home. The evenings are a struggle to stay awake until bed time. I usually sleep a solid 7 1/2 to 8 hours a night. When I am tired, my legs feel too heavy and I sometimes get a pins and needles sensation- particularly if I'm doing anything strenuous like a brisk walk.

I am not pregnant, anaemic or diabetic, my thyroid is functioning fine, Crohn's in remission, I drink plenty of water and eat as good a diet as I can. Blood tests have not shown up any nutritional deficiencies. Electrolyte levels are consistently good.

My GP says she has run out of things to test me for. Does anyone here have any ideas?
Could be Chronic Fatigue triggered by your IBD? No test for that really, is a case of ruling everything else out. Ask to see a specialist if you can, although services are few and far between and hugely oversubscribed.
Will look into that, thanks. There was actually a trainee at my work that had suffered with it in the past, she said a lot of my symptoms sounded like hers. But she was much worse than me- she had to use a wheelchair at times.
I know exactly what you mean Rebecca. Feel similar most of the time though better than last year before I was on steroids! Everyone just says that the fatigue is just a symptom of the CD...
I have just started doing the Alexander Technique mainly for my neck pain but my instructor had CFS and used AT to 'cure' her of it. It teaches you to use your body more efficiently so that you do not use up as much energy. I've only had 6 lessons so far but it has been very good and extremely educational. He one down side is that lessons are rather expensive but my instructor does small group lessons which are cheaper.
Just a thought by could help you too
Thanks for the link, Star. I have looked at the diagnostic criteria, and I don't think I quite meet it. Although I have the fatigue, unrefreshing sleep and lapses in concentration/ memory, I don't have enough symptoms for a firm diagnosis. But next time I go to the docs, I will ask about it.
Just a word of warning, many in the medical profession (including many GP's) dismiss CFS as "all in the mind".

So, if you think it's an avenue worth pursuing, and your GP doesn't, do push for a referral to a specialist (hopefully there is one near you).

With CFS/ME, unless you have an understanding Dr, you really have to be your own advocate and push for things!
When do you take your aza. I am also on it at 150 mg, and I found that when I took it in the morning I would be exhausted an hour later and I would be like this for the entire day. I started taking it in the evening and it has helped a little. I am still tired in the morning, but I don't walk around unable to focus like before. I can actually get things accomplished. I am like you. I am in remission, I am taking time off from working so I can rest, I try to eat well, but I am still always exhausted. My GI does not seem too concerned about it as long as my monthly bloodwork comes back fine.
Star- do you know what sort of treatments there are for CFS? The trainee told me she was prescribed anti depressants, so even if I got a label I don't know if anything different would be done for me.

Brenda- I have played around with the dosage. I used to take it all in the morning. I switched to 50mg in the morning and 50mg at night, and haven't noticed any difference. To be honest, I forget the night dose about once a week, and that doesn't seem to make much difference either.
There isn't treatment really, but a specialist would be the best person to advise on this. In alot of cases, not much can be done. But GP's tend to try and fob you off with anti-depressants because they don't know much about it. They can help some people but certainly not a solution.
it's funny but i was sitting here contemplating starting a thread on the very same subject, exhaustion.. it's horrible isn't it ?? i always think of tiredness as something that you can go to bed with, have a snooze and wake-up feeling refreshed.. when i feel exhausted i am almost too tired to sleep.. everything aches, the leg pins and needles i know well and i feel so cold and shaky.. my head aches, i feel worn out like an old boot and i can't switch off.. my memory konks out and i find myself imagining that this must be what it's like to be 106 years old, with dementia and flu..

the only thing that helps me is to find a way of truly relaxing and switching off somehow..
Stress can also cause extreme tiredness or exhaustion like symptoms. I know that sounds pretty vague but stress really will wear you out. If it really is stress then the constant concern of "what's wrong with me?" will only add to it. You might try getting yourself scheduled for a massage, enrolling in a stress management class, or finding someone to talk to about whatever is on your mind.

i couldn't agree more.. stress you are right is such a vague term but i am certain it builds up very slowly in your system until 'kaboom!!'.. it's knocked you for six.. hence my belief in finding something that really aids relaxation..
Mmm massage! Well I am going on holiday in a week and a half, followed by a few weeks off work (I work in a school) so hopefully that will do the trick. I have to report back to both my GP and IBD nurse when I get back, see if the combination of relaxation and fluoxetine do the trick.
good luck rebecca.. i hope the time off work gives you some relief and have a top notch holiday !!

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