My parents try to be supportive, although my mother in particular kind of fails. My dad doesn't offer any advice, he just calls every so often to see how I'm doing and what my latest test found out. But my mother has somehow gotten it into her head that my problems will all go away if I go gluten-free, and that's all she ever talks about now. Even though I've tested negative for celiac (both blood test and biopsies came back negative), and even though breads & pastas are some of my safe foods, she's still got it in her head that gluten is the root cause of my issues. If I did give up gluten, I'd pretty much be on a diet of Ensure and bananas, so that's not going to happen right now. I wish my mother could just listen to what I'm saying, instead of trying to impose her opinion on me. I'm still undiagnosed which, to her, means they haven't found the celiac yet. I have told her repeatedly that if I've got celiac, it would have been found already, and if I had a gluten sensitivity, the times I get ill would correlate to when I eat bread & pasta - but she hasn't backed down from her anti-gluten stance.