Fecal Calprotectin

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Feb 15, 2012
How many of you use this test? Has this replaced using the ESR? Does your insurance cover it? How often do you check? I am hoping to hear from many...have a GI appointment next week for my dd and want to see if I can persuade the GI to start using this if it is useful.

Thanks for your feedback.
We use the fecal calprotectin as my son's bloodwork hasn't been an indicator of the severity of his active CD. His first fecal calprotectin was done at the same time his labwork showed barely elevated CRP markers yet the fecal calprotectin was 1700, the normal ref. range is <50.

With his second fecal calprotectin, his labwork(CRP, ESR) was normal, fecal calprotectin was 300, much improved but still showing low level inflammation which was backed up with an MRE and scope done at the same time as the fecal calprotectin.

He will have a fecal calprotectin every three months and then moved out or done only when he is showing symptoms.

Our insurance does not cover this test.
Da has had it done three times.
Twice last year ( both in low eighties ) so normal for an Ibd kid
We had a scope at same time showed mild inflammation.
In march it was elevated 248 .
But he had a mild flare in Jan so Gi thinks it was on downward trend.

He currently is having issues so we just had it done again this past week.
I don't know the results yet.
Our plan is every six months unless he has issues.
Blood work does not reflect his inflammation

Our insurance does cover the test .
Never used it here...its never been mentioned by the GI.
I asked my GP once and he had never heard of it.
Our Gi did not mention it btw
We asked for the test the first time.
It seems to work for DS .
We will know more this week
Same as MLP, our GI didn't mention it. I asked for it after his lab work came back decent. I just felt this labs weren't telling the true extent of what was going on.
I think since it isn't covered by alot of ins. companies and isn't yet a standard in tracking inflammation(though it should be) the GI was hesitant to bring it up but he readily agreed to it when I brought it up.
Grace's GI said he wants on done every three months.
He got what he called a base line number for the test.
After 3 months of pred and full EEN her number is at 40'ish (sorry I forgot the exact number). That's great number. We're were happy with it.
Insurance covered it for us. We've only had it once so far, came back normal, will do again next month (6 months). Jack's GI suggested it, I had not heard of it. If this one comes back normal then he wants it once a year unless needed otherwise.

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