First Colonoscopy tomorrow...

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Don't be scared! Yes, the prep is pretty miserable, but the procedure itself is no sweat. It's absolutely best to do it ASAP so you can get the results ASAP, so hooray for someone cancelling! Good luck. It'll be over before you know it, though yes, today will probably be a very long day.
You won't want to hear this, but golytely was the by far the worst prep I've done (I've had 3-4 different ones). If you can make it through the prep, you'll be fine. The scope itself is easy. now you know what that stuff tastes like...but keep in mind...after this part...the rest is smooooth sailing. I get them every year. Twice last year but that is unusual (I hope). My favorite one, so far, is the Miralax Prep (which is fine for the first 2 glasses...and then yuck) but I heard there is a new one out...I am bummed they don't use the pills anymore. I have to find out about that new one for next time...although my GI didn't even want to give me the Miralax...he is old school...Good luck tomorrow! You will be fine.
Yeah, it's not scary at all. Like everyone else said, the worst part is the prep. The best part is whatever you eat afterwards! Good luck tomorrow, you'll be fine =)
hi over in scotland,uk and ive had a few colonoscopys and theyre a breeze,i usualy just go for the sedatition and its over b4 you know it then its a sandwich and a cuppa.i get stuff called picolax which is only 1 small glass about the amout of a can of coke or pepsi and it cleans you out just as good as the 3 litres of stuff ive been made to take,any time i have a test i opt for the picolax,not sure what you guys get but theres always another option if you dont like the vile stuff they offer you first,
I prefer the picolax as well...over and done with rather than the gallons of liquids I've had for other GI tests.
Thanks everyone. The prep is over, now I'm just waiting for my test time. You're all correct - that stuff was nasty to get down!!