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- Feb 13, 2011
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Hey everyone!
Been lurking for a while... thought I'd finally post a bit about an experience I had recently...
A couple years ago, I had some oral surgery that went bad. I had shattered two molars in my lower jaw (one on each side) from pain caused by foraminal stenosis at the C6-C7 level. Yup, gritted my teeth through the pain so hard I snapped a couple teeth. But it's not that bad... the following surgery was a breeze, and I was only left with a very minor loss of strength in my left tricep. But I digress; this thread's not about that, but rather something else...
The oral surgeon that performed the extraction on the left lower molar (they were extracted at different times by different surgeons) did a terrible job of the extraction and subsequent first-stage implant.
I kept getting recurring infections in my jaw.
Three months ago, I visited a new oral surgeon who insisted on putting me on Clindamycin until I could arrange my work schedule to accommodate the surgery necessary to repair the other guy's bungled work.
I was on Clindamycin for about 2.5 months straight. I noticed a remarkable decrease in Crohn's symptoms during this time.
After the surgery, he kept me on Clindamycin for yet another ten days. He stated that he was concerned about the possibility of me developing a C. Diff infection due to the fact that I had been on the Clindamycin for such an extended period of time (Clindamycin has a reputation for causing C. Diff infections, as it wipes the gut out of competing bacteria, allowing the C. Diff to spread unchecked).
So he put me on Flagyl to take along with the Clindamycin.
What followed were three of the most Crohn's free weeks of the last 30 years!
I had added S. Boulardi yeast to my anti-Chrons regimine a few months back, and it helped considerably.
But throwing in the Clindamycin/Flagyl combo was pure bliss.
Please pardon the candor, but... three weeks of no cramps, with the first formed stools I've had since I was a teenager. Wow!
But now that I've been off the combo of the two anti-biotics for over a month now, I find myself back to where I was before; each morning is a new adventure in stomach cramps and urgent BM's for the first few hours.
My GI is aware of my "morning routine", and has said that it's as close to remission as I was going to get. And granted, it is *much* better than where I was prior to beginning Crohn's treatment three years ago.
So what's the point of this rather long winded story?
The combination of the drugs in my sig, along with the Clindamycin/Flagyl treatment helped me so much, I'm really anxious to hear from others that have been helped by Flagyl by itself, or in combination with other antibiotics, how long you've been taking them, and what the general consensus is on how long you can safely take them.
I've read a few threads from people taking them long term to heal fistulas, and related issues, but haven't seen any posts/threads from people taking Flagyl strictly to maintain remission from primary Crohn's symptoms (to me that means stomach cramps, D, etc.).
Thanks for any information you can provide. I'd like to learn about this as much as I can prior to discussing the possibility of adding flagyl (and possibly another antibiotic) into my treatment regimen.
Hoping all your days are cramping free,
Been lurking for a while... thought I'd finally post a bit about an experience I had recently...
A couple years ago, I had some oral surgery that went bad. I had shattered two molars in my lower jaw (one on each side) from pain caused by foraminal stenosis at the C6-C7 level. Yup, gritted my teeth through the pain so hard I snapped a couple teeth. But it's not that bad... the following surgery was a breeze, and I was only left with a very minor loss of strength in my left tricep. But I digress; this thread's not about that, but rather something else...
The oral surgeon that performed the extraction on the left lower molar (they were extracted at different times by different surgeons) did a terrible job of the extraction and subsequent first-stage implant.
I kept getting recurring infections in my jaw.
Three months ago, I visited a new oral surgeon who insisted on putting me on Clindamycin until I could arrange my work schedule to accommodate the surgery necessary to repair the other guy's bungled work.
I was on Clindamycin for about 2.5 months straight. I noticed a remarkable decrease in Crohn's symptoms during this time.
After the surgery, he kept me on Clindamycin for yet another ten days. He stated that he was concerned about the possibility of me developing a C. Diff infection due to the fact that I had been on the Clindamycin for such an extended period of time (Clindamycin has a reputation for causing C. Diff infections, as it wipes the gut out of competing bacteria, allowing the C. Diff to spread unchecked).
So he put me on Flagyl to take along with the Clindamycin.
What followed were three of the most Crohn's free weeks of the last 30 years!
I had added S. Boulardi yeast to my anti-Chrons regimine a few months back, and it helped considerably.
But throwing in the Clindamycin/Flagyl combo was pure bliss.
Please pardon the candor, but... three weeks of no cramps, with the first formed stools I've had since I was a teenager. Wow!
But now that I've been off the combo of the two anti-biotics for over a month now, I find myself back to where I was before; each morning is a new adventure in stomach cramps and urgent BM's for the first few hours.
My GI is aware of my "morning routine", and has said that it's as close to remission as I was going to get. And granted, it is *much* better than where I was prior to beginning Crohn's treatment three years ago.
So what's the point of this rather long winded story?
The combination of the drugs in my sig, along with the Clindamycin/Flagyl treatment helped me so much, I'm really anxious to hear from others that have been helped by Flagyl by itself, or in combination with other antibiotics, how long you've been taking them, and what the general consensus is on how long you can safely take them.
I've read a few threads from people taking them long term to heal fistulas, and related issues, but haven't seen any posts/threads from people taking Flagyl strictly to maintain remission from primary Crohn's symptoms (to me that means stomach cramps, D, etc.).
Thanks for any information you can provide. I'd like to learn about this as much as I can prior to discussing the possibility of adding flagyl (and possibly another antibiotic) into my treatment regimen.
Hoping all your days are cramping free,