hi everyone, hope all is well, haven't been on for awhile. Feeling very down. I feel this is my first real flare. Dx in oct/07, since then on andoff d, no more than 3 aday except for one time. Usually d for a day or 2 then okay while on brat diet, then i would go back to regular foods and okay for a while then back to d. This was going on since dx and wasn't too bad now can't lose the d and stomachaches. Last 2 weeks it got worse but i know it was slowly getting worse. I eat and then get d around 2 or 3x daily. Moderate stomachaches that go right from ribs to groin area and around to back. Pain can move around. Sometimes it feels like a runners cramp or similar to period pain. Dr. gave me 50 mg prednasone for 5 days. My last day tomarrow so will have to go back to him. That is the first pill i have tried since dx, did occasionally use steriod enemas, but they don't work. I see no blood in stool. Is this a flare. My original dx as uc but the last test, dr says maybe chrons. Seeing first time a gasto dr. in sept. Is this a flare and why has it changed, i guess i'm getting worse. Regarding the pred, should the dr. try something else first. Does asocol help chrons. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also forgot the brat doesn't help like before.