Great photos.. And, altho 'clear' better.. it may not be possible. First off, are you sure that the colour isn't from urine. Second, before the clear-out, did you eat a lot of fat? Third, have you had any gall bladder or pancreatic symptoms? Fat can show up as yellow remnants... but so can excess bile. You might have some mild 'Habba like Syndrome' at play here. If you've consumed ALL the prep, and still are seeing yellow... DON'T panic. If you can at all tolerate it, try a little clear fluids... water, etc.. (as long as within scope prep guidelines, OK?)
If not (and been there, done that, so I'm not being judgemental or critical, OK)
then go for the scope... Afterwards, express your concern over the 'clarity'. If the doc expresses any doubt/concern... THEN you deal with it.. a 2nd scope?
I think most likely (99.9999% sure) doc will tell you the view was more than adequate... If not, and you do need to repeat the process, here is what I did once (can't recall if it was my 3rd, 4th, or 5th) but anyways, I was in really poor shape. Didn't think I had it in me (no pun intended) to go thru the prep again. An old, wise, GI nurse told me to do it over 2 nights, fasting in between. Now, at the time I had absolutely zero appetite... so fasting wasn't a big concern. I found it way easier to drink 1/2 1st nite, deal with the cramping, etc.. then fast the next day (nothing but clear liquids) then do the 2nd 1/2 the next nite, b4 the procedure the following morning. and, by that time, I was running clear as spring water..