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Feb 22, 2011
Sorry for starting a new thread but I just thought it was for the best.
Basically, as some of you know I had a camera up my bladder on friday to see if there was hole from my bladder to my bowl (or opposite way round) all the consultant could see at the top was some inflammation that made him think i had a hole (i've had UTI symptoms for 6 months prior!)
Last night I went out and got drunk (3 glasses of cheap rosae (i'm a lightweight!) with my friends. Now prior to this morning, I didn't have ALOT of cr!p in my urine, just the odd bit, however, this morning I seem to have a lot of brown stuff in my urine, and sorry for being graphic, when i wipe my front bottom (i do keep needing to go and do a poo, i always have this whenever i've been drunk however) it has loads of brown stuff, almost like i am wiping my arse but i'm not. Is it because i'm dehydrated as I didn't drink much water last night or have I really screwed things up? Could the hole have become bigger? Could I have aggrovated it in some way? I'm finding this all really REALLY scary.. plus my uretha sometimes feels really painful..
Oh btw the urologist consultant when I did say to him after he said you need an MRI then an operation was 'i want to get blathered' didn't say anything about not drinking he just laughed and said i wish i could join you..but i suppose i should have used my head and realised it was probably a bad idea and stayed with the soft drinks..
Oh dear, Gracifer, not so good :frown: Have you not had that happen before? It might be that you're a wee bit dehydrated. Don't beat yourself up about it. You were obviously needing to let of a bit of steam and relax and the night out has probably done you good, emotionally speaking.
I like my wine too, but I tend to stick to red. I like rose, but it's quite sweet and I found that that used to aggravate my symptoms and alcohol is a diuretic.
Just take the steps you would with a UTI. Drink plenty of fluids, water or cranberry juice.
Maybe rest up in bed today to keep warm and use a heating pad/hot water bottle. I know heat eases the symptoms with me.
Nope, before it was a tiny amount of stuff in the pee.. now its either there is nothing in there and wipe my arse its all brown and gudgy or me pee is browny/black etc. It does seem to hurt down there a bit as well.. like something is 'turning over.' the thing is my crohns seems fine but this seems to have gone into overload. just rang the doc but he's in a meeting and might get my message at 7 otherwise its tomorrow morning. part of me just thinks i should go to my local a&e and get it all over and done with, but that means going to a different hospital, i probs wouldn't get my mri done until tomorrow and then i would also loose the consultant. in such a state of confusion. and then another part of me is like, if i wait till tomorrow will this have all died a death, as in the alchohol irritated it enough for this to happen and by tomorrow it'll have calmed down? i feel such a fool.. it seemed like such a good idea last night and now, i really regret it!
I have had the same symptoms you are describing before. Ive actually experienced this more than once. Brownish pee, Lots of uncomfortableness in that area. etc.
I really don't know what is going on down there sometimes. These experiences lasted no more than a day, but do return once in awhile. I also like to enjoy some wine from time to time, and yes these symptoms for me started the next morning after I had some wine.
I have another colonoscopy booked for Dec 06, and hiopefully I will get some more info on what is going on inside me. The last colonoscopy did not turn out so well because I was so flared.
I hope you start feeling better very soon. The suggestion about drinking lots of fluids is a good one. Fill your body up with some goodness!

I would try and rest up today, rehydrate and see what the doctor says tomorrow. Like Natalie says, symptoms of a fistula can come and go, even without alcohol.
Hey- just thought i'd say everything has gone back to 'normal' thank god! Jesus I just want this MRI and op like now so its over and done with...