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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Ok so this is my very first group and very first post!! I was diagnosed in June. This has been a roller coaster for me!! I am not happy at all about my diagnosis as I am sure you all feel the same! I am even more unhappy because I do not feel sick! Minimal cramping, I have the occassional urgency to get to the restroom! I however was very sick with my bowels in December 14. I was just completeing my 3rd degree with a 3 year old and 3 weeks old, my police officer husband was working crazy hours and I am a nurse who was also working at the time! I was EXTREMELY stressed and abused my body for quite a few months! At that time I was having stomach problems. Then I had some swelling by my labia and went to my GYN who said it was a swollen gland. After draining and meds culture came back neg for infection this happened 4 times over a period of about 5 months. Bacterial cultures were always negative. I was finally send to a specialty hospital then ended up in surgery beginning of june where I was suppose to have my gland removed and a colonoscopy! I woke up with a seton placed!!! and a diagnosis of Crohn's!! I am desperate for answers!!!!! I am under the care of GI who knows I am not excited about starting meds with no symptoms which I still do not have! However the surgeon will not remove seton until I am on medication..specifically remicade! My question is do I really need meds and could one bad spout of severe abuse to your body cause a fistula and still not actually have Crohn's? FYI during my colonoscopy my intestines and colon looked "normal" but biopsies came back with some mild inflammation. HELP!!!  ( also they did some blood work that came back indicative of Crohn's- sed rate, [wiki2="CRP-C-Reactive-Protein"]CRP[/wiki2], CBC, all normal!)
