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I met with my colorectal surgeon yesterday,a three month post fistulotomy visit. I had a notebook of questions that he patiently answered and was happy to see me have.He encourages his patients to write down questions between appointments and be proactive in our treatment.

There is no sign of infection and he is happy with how 'everything looks'.I asked about clips and he says he does not use them because he feels they come loose easier.His words,not mine.I asked about Entyvio,he advised me to talk with my GI because the GI knows more about it than he does,being a new drug.

He says I'll have the setons for at least a year,possibly longer.Usually he removes one seton and than six months later,another,etc..H,m,m,m. I have three setons.

There was no sign of new fistula forming,woo hoo! I've gained seven pounds since my last visit.Maybe I'm absorbing the nutrition in my food better now.

I feel I am benefiting from the Remicade,I just don't want to be on it for so long.My doc said after the setons are removed I will continue infusions for a while.What are others experiences with this? The time frame we are talking about is years. I'd hate to regress,but I am apprehensive about such a lengthy treatment of Remicade.

Remicare is helping now.If I think about the $$$ in the future and no assistance...I want to roll up into a ball and cry.One moment,one day at a time.

Doc said I don't have to use Canasa after this prescription runs out.Very nice.I still have three weeks worth though,damn.That will help reduce monthly expenses some.Once I stop Canasa I will see him in two months.I'm already paranoid about NOT using Canasa.I'm so freaking wishy washy at times.I worry as soon as I stop a med the reason for needing it will come back with a vengeance.The specter of doubt always behind any promising news.

All in all the appointment went well and was encouraging.I see my GI in December.My PCP seems to be someone I seldom see now a days,I don't see him until next March.My other doctors keep him in the loop.
