Frustrated, exhausted, sick

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Feb 26, 2013
Hello everyone-- my name is Ashlinn and I need some advice, comfort, etc. I'm only 21.. I'm a full time student and work as much as I can (less since I've been sick).

Since the beginning of January, I've been sick. My dad has been in remission from Crohn's/Colitis for 23 years but I am STILL undiagnosed two months later. These have been my symptoms:

-Frequent diarrhea (with urgency)
-Serious abdominal cramping
-Easy bruising
-Lots of colon noises (gurgling, etc)
-Blood/mucus (which Dr says she isn't worried about because I have a fissure)
-Episodes for a few weeks, then I will feel better (but not normal... just won't have constant diarrhea) for a bit and then it will start again. We haven't been able to figure out what triggers it
-Weight loss. I was around 120-124 beginning of January. Last dr's visit (last week) I weighed 105... I'm 5'4

I've tried clear liquid diet, bland and REALLY basic diet, etc. Liquid diet helped with diarrhea but still had cramping. Doctor has put me on levsin, benefiber, probiotics, etc but nothing has seemed to be the perfect remedy.

I had a sigmoidoscopy middle of January with biopsies. Everything appeared to be normal. My labs were a little off but nothing that provided any definitive information. One doctor said it might be IBS, the other in the office said it didn't fit because I don't have relief after diarrhea.. the pain, discomfort, etc continues.

I'm having a small bowel follow through next week. I am really praying that some sort of information comes from it. I'm SOO sick of being sick without any sort of explanation :frown: :sign0085:
Also, I've had the urgency (for diarrhea) but nothing comes out.. or just mucus does. I also have had a few fits of extreme light headedness. Ever since I was little, onions have caused me stomach problems.. but I dont eat onions for that reason.
Hello ashlinn,

I'm sorry to hear that you've been in an all too familiar situation. Still trying to figure out what's causing my symptoms that seem to be very similar to yours, I know how the frustration can feel. It feels like a struggle every single day, wondering if you're ever going to get better.

I really hope that the doctors figure out why you've been feeling sick, and I'm here if you ever need anyone to talk to. :hug: I'm not the most informed person, as I am still figuring out my own sickness, but if you ever need to vent to anyone, I'll listen.

You're not alone in your struggle, and all of us are here to support you. I hope you get to feeling better soon. :)
I'm sorry that you're having these problems and have no diagnosis. I don't understand why you only had a sigmoidoscopy. My 19 year old son had diarrhea , weight loss, anemia and elevated CRP and had upper and lower endoscopy. He was diagnosed with Crohn's but the only abnormality was in the ileum. His small bowel follow through was basically normal.

Do you have any anemia or elevated sed rate, or CRP? Do you know what labs were "off"? It definitely sounds to me like you need more of an evaluation of your small bowel and the rest of your colon.
Hey Ashlinn,

So sorry you are dealing with this. I also am undiagnosed, so I hear ya there.

It is interesting, I do not have the diarreha, but I have constant severe intestinal pain most all the time, with a better day here and there. But I also NEVER feel better after a bowel movement either. My gastro doc keeps thinking I have IBS too. When I asked him about why I do not feel relief after I go( which is typical of IBS), he just said everyone with IBS is different. He claims that you Do not have to feel relief after a BM with IBS, he said lots of patients that have IBS dont. So I am not sure what to think about it, but that is what I was told.

I kind feel like what I have is More than just IBS due to the severity of my pain.

The fact that your dad had crohns, you would think they would look more into this. Did they ever offer a colonoscopy? I would think that one would have been way better than a sigmoid in my opinion. I mean if your going to bother with the sigmoid, might as well do the whole thing as it sees the whole large intestines as well as the Terminal ilieum.

I hope you can get some answers real soon and some help so you can feel better. Just know you are not alone..

Hello everyone-- my name is Ashlinn and I need some advice, comfort, etc. I'm only 21.. I'm a full time student and work as much as I can (less since I've been sick).

Since the beginning of January, I've been sick. My dad has been in remission from Crohn's/Colitis for 23 years but I am STILL undiagnosed two months later. These have been my symptoms:

-Frequent diarrhea (with urgency)
-Serious abdominal cramping
-Easy bruising
-Lots of colon noises (gurgling, etc)
-Blood/mucus (which Dr says she isn't worried about because I have a fissure)
-Episodes for a few weeks, then I will feel better (but not normal... just won't have constant diarrhea) for a bit and then it will start again. We haven't been able to figure out what triggers it
-Weight loss. I was around 120-124 beginning of January. Last dr's visit (last week) I weighed 105... I'm 5'4

I've tried clear liquid diet, bland and REALLY basic diet, etc. Liquid diet helped with diarrhea but still had cramping. Doctor has put me on levsin, benefiber, probiotics, etc but nothing has seemed to be the perfect remedy.

I had a sigmoidoscopy middle of January with biopsies. Everything appeared to be normal. My labs were a little off but nothing that provided any definitive information. One doctor said it might be IBS, the other in the office said it didn't fit because I don't have relief after diarrhea.. the pain, discomfort, etc continues.

I'm having a small bowel follow through next week. I am really praying that some sort of information comes from it. I'm SOO sick of being sick without any sort of explanation :frown: :sign0085:
Hi and welcome. I agree that you should have more thorough scoping, especially given your father's history and your current symptoms. You can always find a new GI if you are not happy with the current one. Good luck and I hope you get answers and treatment soon.
Thank you all so much for your support. I made an appointment with a new GI but its not until March 20th because I will be out of town from the 8-16 (praying my symptoms settle for that time!!). I am requesting copies of labwork, sigmoidoscopy results, etc in the next couple of days. I'm frustrated because its been 3 months and all thats been accomplished is a sigmoidoscopy (which was normal) and FINALLY I am being offered a SMFT. The dr said we would do sigmoidoscopy instead of colonoscopy.. not sure why. Honestly, I don't think they are taking me very seriously. They just don't seem that concerned and its been 2 months since the sigmoidoscopy and we're only FINALLY doing another test. The nurse practitioner I see says she doesn't think its IBS because my symptoms don't match but that if they can't figure it out, they will just call it that. That seems ridiculous!!! I need treatment of some sort as soon as possible-- I can't keep losing weight, missing school/work/etc. AHH