Frustrated! Thoughts?

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Feb 13, 2012
South Carolina
I had surgery last May (after having 2 separate drains put in) and got my diagnosis then. I've since been pretty lucky as far as symptoms go, except for some fatigue last fall. In the past two or so months, I've been experiencing bouts of constipation, but usually not lasting more than a day or two. Now, however, I've been constipated for about 8 days, unable to have any significant bowel movements (emptying of bowels). I had a pre-scheduled appointment last Tuesday and told my GI that I'd been constipated for two days at that point. He told me to take a stool softener and that should fix the problem. I started taking Miralax last Thursday (so today is day 5 of it) and have yet to have any relief. I've had some nausea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain in the past few days, so I called the nurse and she told me to just up my miralax intake to twice a day and if that doesn't work, I should call them back in two days. At this point, I'm pretty frustrated. I'm in law school, so it's a high stress environment, and constantly feeling sick/unwell isn't conducive to such an environment. I have an incredibly high pain tolerance, at leas according to the doctors, and really don't want to miss school unless I have to, but I'm getting extremely frustrated with the entire situation. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
I have used Magnesium Citrate (the entire bottle) many times in the past. You can buy it at the drug store or grocery store for a dollar or two. Make sure to drink tons of water after you drink the Mag Cit.
Movicol is good stuff, and you can titrate up the dose up to 8 sachets but it isn't a vicious laxative. (generic name macrogol...)
Thanks! I ended up just calling the "emergency" after hours number at my GI's office and speaking with a different doctor. He recommended the mag citrate, which I took (gross). It helped a little bit, but I'm still feeling pretty awful, so I'm going to see my GI tomorrow. I'm thinking this might be my first flare up since being diagnosed. Awesome.

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