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Apr 11, 2009
Anyone feel like sharing pictures of their beloved animals?

This little pain in the butt is Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan (yes, I'm a Friends fan, lol)

your turn!
Here is Mora after a Michigan/OSU party passed out~

A picture of her in the window~
This is Jake...

What a smile!

Taking some shut eye on top of Cairngorm, oblivious to the rime accumulating on his fluff, and the weather station popping up to take it's measurements:
This pic best describes the devil dog that lives with us. He bites, barks, etc. He's mean and evil. Midnight in his truest form.
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This is my Labradoodle named Zuzu. She's named after the minor character in "It's a Wonderful Life."
And the bun buns...

This is Duke. I rescued him back in 2003. He's a fluffy lovie bun :)

Here's Tinkerbell. I rescued her and her sister (below) last August.

And this is Lola. They're skittish, but sweet.
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The kitties

Mr. Peanut - he looks angry, but he's a sweetheart.

Dough Boy - as you can see, his name fits!
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awww everybodys pets are SO cute!
santos- i see your cats are obsessed with boxes/bags too? lol
katie- LOVe miles in the first pic, haha so cute
farm- adorable, i love pugs.
kim- LOL @ the pink socks hah!

i have three kitties and will get them in here later. dont feel like uploading photos atm
good thread!
Booko at 3 months (I couldn't resist)

and in Sept after an 'incident' occurred, as you can see behind him...
Kitty sleeping. Yes her name really is "Kitty" hehe


this is how lazy she can get in 90degree weather. and yes... she is drinking from the bowl in this position. Lazy I tell ya.

Cris - How could you forget Scooter?! LOL he's cute. I love frogs!! That's a great close-up, too.

Kello - The 2 boys are OBSESSED with bags, boxes... anything they can climb into. Dough Boy loves the sink. I'll get a pic of him in there on here. We call it "Tubby in his tubby" because he's so... "fluffy."
Kim - all this time I thought they were just saying to me "you're next!" :D

Oh and Vanessa... don't take this the wrong way, but your weiner is adorable!
This was my first kitty that was all mine (not my parents) and he was SOOOO fuzzy.
He only weighed 8 pounds, but looked like 20 cuz of all the hair. He lived to be like 15 or something.
I named him Fluffernutter Jones, but I just called him Fluffy. All animals have middle names.
He was quite a princess, and had a purple rhinestone collar at one time.

This was Kelsey. Full name, Kelsey Lou. She only lived to be three =(
You can't tell in this picture, but she was really fuzzy too, and had a white patch on her chest and another one on her belly.
I named her Kelsey cuz I wanted to name my daughter Kelsey, but my husband didn't like it.

Sigh... I miss my kitties.
aw theyre all so cute!!! i dun have ne pics yet but i have 3 rats named Squishy, Fishcake, and Bitterman, and a hyperactive dog a chuaua mix with jack terrior, whos name fits him is Psycho. ^-^ oh and we are pet sitting a terancula right now that i hate but its name is Fluffy, and is prolly the size of the top of a big can of like sauce or something...i hate spiders tho they suck!!
Cris - How could you forget Scooter?! LOL he's cute. I love frogs!! That's a great close-up, too.

I don't know how I forgot about Scooter!! hehe I guess because I was looking around all the furry animals being posted. :)

And thanks, for the compliment that is.
You are SOOOOOO welcome :wink:

I used to have an iguana. But when I was little, I "collected" frogs and made them live together. And I had hermit crabs. And snails... and bugs lol
I love my dog, best roommate ever, seriously. One of the most amazing 'incidents' was when he ate his own collar off his own neck while in his kennel, not once but twice. He left the metal pieces of course, ha! That'll learn me.

Spoonie--I would be checking the lid on Fluffy's cage every hour or so, haha!

MBH--cute cute kitties, fluffy kitties are the best...I'm sorry they are no longer with you.
Fluffy would NEVER enter my house. I don't care who needed me to watch it. I just can't do spiders, and it's just not right for a spider to be that big. ew.

Santos: you sound like my daughter. She collects bugs and frogs too. She used to always come home with a new frog everytime she went to her friends house. they had them all over because of the pond behind them. Now she can't have any more frogs because she has this one, and Mom is mean and said one is enough for now. :) But she does collect bugs and keep them in a bug catcher thing all the time. I step outside and stumble into it quite often. And I don't like bugs particularly. And she's got snails in with her fish. heheh How funny. :)

I used to catch bumblebees when I was little. And i used to hunt for salamanders in my backyard, and snakes too. :)
:Sigh: Again, I'm compared to a child...

Funny enough, the only bugs I can even stand now butterflies, moths, and lady bugs lol
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Some really nice piccies of furbabies... but you can keep spiders and other such creepy crawlies. /me shudders.
Now what did you have to go and do that for? That's just wrong on so many levels Marissa. Ew. I just got the creepy crawly shivers.

I don't like bugs because (pardon the pun) but to be quick frank ... they bug me. :) I can pretty much only stand butterflies and ladybugs too. I like rolly polly bugs though. In fact, we 'rasied' butterflies and ladybugs this year. :)
Santos61198 said:
Kim - all this time I thought they were just saying to me "you're next!" :D

Oh and Vanessa... don't take this the wrong way, but your weiner is adorable!

(blushed) That's what all of the ladies say, although this weiner is much smaller than some of the other weiners I've owned.:ycool:

And thank you! ;0)

This is Lexie, she is seven years old and is the laziest creature (besides myself) that I have ever had the pleasure of being around. :)
aw mbh you got a kitty?!
yay im so happy for you!!

love her pink collar :) whats her name?? so cute!
kello82 said:
aw mbh you got a kitty?!
yay im so happy for you!!

love her pink collar :) whats her name?? so cute!
I can't say her name. It's too embarrassing.
My daughter wanted to name her Daisy, my son wanted to name her Sneakers.
Drew suggested PookieButt.

So while we didn't have a name for her we called her kitty, and kitters, and stuff like that.
So.. we just went with Kitters.
^ lol!

kitters isnt that bad, nothing to be embarrased by lol
we call our oldest one fuzzbutt sometimes. we used to call him fatboy until we realized that he wasnt really fat, just really really furry
thyre the ones that should be embarrased that they have to answer to someone calling "fuzzybutt! here fuzzybutt!!"
poor dears.
OK. Here's Sparkle. You all know her from my profile photo. She likes to sit on the toilet. Next is Twinkle. She's 3 years old, but she's very small. We call her "kitten for life." She likes to lick things. Then there's Buddy. He is very, very handsome. And he's the one that likes dutch ovens. Last (but not least!) there's Mama. She used to be feral -- she's Twinkle's mommy! -- but now she's our pet. She doesn't like to come inside though. She pooed on the table. Finally, there's the three indoor kitties -- Sparkle, Twinkle and Buddy -- watching (what else?) baseball. You'll notice that Twinkle is the only one actually watching the TV. That's because she has a crush on Brian McCann.

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I'm just trying to get some good posts back in front of our faces. :) These were fun and everybody enjoyed them, so thought they'd be fun.
I will keep working on it. Of course I'm not on my computer at the moment, so I cant' even post pics. I will have to run to mine real fast and get some pics up in photobucket so I can post. :) I have new pics of my animals too. We're still allowing animals without fur though, right? ;)
Kitty. I swear she's camera shy. I NEVER get good shots of her. Except stealing a quick one like this.









I will get better pics when I get a chance.
cute Derrick! I love thier names. I wish I could get cool pics of my cat. She just doesn't let it happen.
You need to learn to control your cat - make her bend to your will!

This is Luke... I got him when he was 6 months old and was his 5th home. He's nearly 4 now. The people that I took him from told me he was mean and stupid.

Here's a quick video of my sweetie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_QccemnUcM

I wish like hell the jerks that were dumping him could see it. Pics of the rest of the clan as I find them. We rescued a Cocker Spaniel 2 weeks ago and I need to get some pics of her now that she's not looking so sick. Geez.. join a board, find your camera. LOL
Cool picture Rhonda! Is that an African Grey? They probably thought he was mean because he was a baby and still biting. Good to know he found a good home with you! Is he your first bird?
misscris said:
Cool picture Rhonda! Is that an African Grey? They probably thought he was mean because he was a baby and still biting. Good to know he found a good home with you! Is he your first bird?
Yeah, he was too young to talk at the time as well. No, although he is my only African Grey. I rescued and rehabilitated a Greater Sulfur Crested Cockatoo for 3 years.. That was exciting. I still miss him terribly, but he was never meant to be a house bird. He's in a giant sanctuary now where he can fly. I've had a few rescue Lovebirds come through the house... but now I just have the 2 Cockatiels and Luke. No more rescues, I have enough on my plate.

I found more pics!


and one of our Mastiffs... all have passed in the last 2 years of old age... but they'll always be family to us!

Max, Macey, Kirby and Charlie... biggest hearts in all the world.

I still need to find pics of Lilly (Cockatiel #2) and get some shots of the new dog.
Actig/Derrick you have Shnauzers!!!!!! I really want one but they are out of my budget right now :(

I only have a Muppet-cat who is fat and fluffy and grey and white and VERY cuddly but also VERY annoying and has been known to attack at a moments notice (I have had to unpick him from my face on many occasions but now know 'the look' and can escape!). I don't have any pics uploaded anywhere that I can share. Can I just copy and paste from my computer or do I have to do photobucket or something?

Lovely to see everyone's babies :)
I've already posted a piccy of Jake looking cute. So this is the previous cutey. Her name was Tilly and she was a Boxer/Border Collie cross.


Yes she has just rolled in something horrible!

From left to right; Walden, Tilly and me - she loved cameras and always had to get in the picture!

On the beach

She died of cancer, in the last year of her life she had to have a front leg amputated. Here is a video of her on a beach in scotland: Tilly on the beach
Awwww, you guys have posted such cute pics of your furbabies! Makes me all warm and tingly inside. :p
misscris said:
Hey Rhonda, aren't African Greys supposedly the most intelligent parrot?
I'm not sure.. I think the bird with the largest vocabulary was believe it or not, a budgie (parakeet.) African Greys do manage to sound the most "human" when they talk. The budgies I've heard talking sound almost mechanical/tinny if you know what I mean. I'd have to find it again, but when I have a few I'll see what I can come up with.

Beth~ Tilly was gorgeous!
Aww Ris and Peaches, no sniffles okay... There's lots of stories one could tell about Tilly, and the way she loved life even when on 3 legs. But the sweetest thing was right near the end. She couldn't walk far, just out the driveway and over to the war memorial green about 70yards away. So we hobbled and bounced over there and hung about as yer do. And so it got to the time we should be heading back and she just sat on the pavement and wouldn't cross the road. Tugged her lead gently and said 'come on, lets go home for brekky'. But she just sat there. So oh well. We'll hang about some more I guess.

Presently, an old lady came along and approached us. She said, and I quote "I'm not really a doggie person but I heard about your dog from my neighbour. Could I stroke her?"... She was known about the whole village! Quite a few people came up to us and said they'd heard about her.
So when the old lady carried on Tilly got up and led me back across the road to home. Just like that. She'd wanted some fuss before she was prepared to go home.

This is my baby boy Cloud Bear (people find the name hilarious but it's because he has this wonderful blue/grey thick fur and a teddy bear face) when he really was a baby at 9 weeks. He's a British Blue.


He's now 3 years old and possibly larger than some peoples little dogs ha ha! We take a picture of him almost every day, so I really need to upload some updated versions but be warned he's a flasher!
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I thought these were cute
Grayson on the fridge

Mercury acting goofy

Zeus in a tshirt my son and I screen printed for him. It is a soccer skull. We don't usually put any clothing on any of the beasts this was just for fun at a soccer game.
Oh! and how could I forget... this is Our dog (left) and Bruce's bros dog... look how angry Lexie (my dog) is that she has to share a spot with Lily! I know a lot of you have seen this one before... but I love it... so here it is again!

What sweet kitties and yes I get it. Bond James Bond

Edit - in that first pic your daughter looks just like you.
I can't get my Russian Blue to stop meowing at night. Around 4 in the morning every morning he will meow incessantly or hit shit or play with the blinds. I want to put him in the dog cage so bad.
Ok not sure if this will work. Keep getting no where with this!

Yay! The attachments atleast show. Couldn't paste them into the post though. First one is of Jasmine in the yard. 2nd is Jasmine smiling...yes that is a smile not a growl. 3rd is Guinevere, she was the guinea pig who was really ill. $1,000 later she is totally healthy and happy, maybe a little slow, but she is our special guinea pig. Next picture is Marian. She is the largest guinea pig and thinks she is the boss. The last picture is of Isabelle. She is almost as big as Marian. We had her since she was tiny baby and she is the most friendly. The others are more skiddish than she is. Marian and Isabelle whistle for lettuce.


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Yeah he's pretty much only indoor. Bruce let him outside this weekend when he was pissed off at him... ANDD then we had to go catch him... but other than that... mostly indoors. We have let him out on a leash before as weird as that sounds.

This is Ariel. I'll get a better picture as soon as I can. I grabbed this with my old camcorder... my camera needs a new battery. Surprise! /sigh.

Today we learned that Ariel has chronically infected anal glands. When the vet told me, he expected me to be upset, and as badly as I felt for her, it just made sense that the old dog we rescued would have butt issues. She's had her anal glands filled with antibiotics today... Poor sweetie. She's getting a couch snuggle in a few.
Poor Ariel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, Rhonda. I have dogs w/anal gland issues, but nothing like that. I feel bad for her :(

She is adorable though! I used to have a Cocker Spaniel when I was younger named Kukla. Looked a lot like Ariel!
Ahh, yes the anal gland issues. My dog doesn't really have issues, but she can't express them on her own so I do it for her when we give her baths. It's easier to learn how to do it yourself than pay the vet to do it every month (I do it 2 times a month) plus this way they won't get infected.
I am SO glad horse don't have the whole anal gland deal. Wholllly crap!

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