Get a second opinion?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 31, 2012
We attended our first seminar yesterday and it was GREAT! Good to meet other families going through the same darn thing. After asking some questions to the speaker I wonder if we should get a second opinion. She still has the ng-tube since 9/1/11. Should we go to the same hospital (CHOP) or another one.Is this frowned upon? Any input is greatly appreciated.

I personally don't think a second, third or fourth opinion ever hurts if that's what it takes to feel reassured and validated that the decisions you are making for your child are what you are comfortable with. I don't believe there are wrong decisions when it comes to this disease just different ones and I know it is difficult to feel comfortable with many of them but validation certainly helps.

I also feel that if a doctor is worth their mettle then you seeking a second opinion should have no impact on your current relationship with them. I would broach the subject with them and see what their reaction is. If they seems miffed I would point out the fact that you aren't making decisions not for yourself here but for your child and nothing in this world in more difficult nor heartbreaking. Ask if they have children themselves and what they would do in your position.

I don't know about the hospitals there but IIRC many seem to speak highly go CHOP??

Dusty. xxx
We got a second opinion. We went to another hospital but told GI#1 where we were going.
He agreed since Ds did not present like typical Crohn's.
For us it helped. Doc #2 agreed with Doc #1 and wrote a nice letter to Doc#1.
We still see Doc #1 BTW
We got a second the suggestion of our GI! He knew where and when and even discussed our case with our new doc via e-mail. We still see doc #1 and occasionally consult doc #2 via phone/e-mail. :) It never hurts and won't offend a good doc.