The first course of prednisone I had made me kind of euphoric, then later I developed severe insomnia and restlessness. The side effects came on gradually for me though, building up over a few weeks. But when they got unbearable, my doctor was able to prescribe me medication to help me sleep and calm me down, and after that my time on prednisone was much more peaceful. So don't give up on the idea of prednisone right away. It may take a bit of trial and error to manage the side effects, or you may find side effects change over time.
Some people aren't able to manage the side effects they get from prednisone, and I know there are special warnings for people with mental health problems, because prednisone really can have very significant effects on your thoughts and mood. But as Cat said, there are alternatives, so let your doctor know if any side effect - mental or physical - is getting too much. Once you've been taking prednisone more than several days, while unlikely to be dangerous, stopping suddenly might make you feel quite ill, so it's important to monitor your symptoms and keep in contact with your doctor so that any problems can be dealt with without making things any harder for you than they need to be. But prednisone can be very effective, so it's worth trying.
Also the pain and facial flushing you mention may be from the prednisone you took yesterday, as it stays in your system a while, but it will all quickly settle down.
Haven't gotten to talk to my doctor yet, but am wondering what else I should tell him when I do.
I definitely seem to be sensitive to coming off of medicines and they seem to leave my system pretty quickly. I know with Prozac, if I miss one dose or wait even four or so hours past the time I usually take it, it effects me, even though a pharmacist assured me it has a long half life. I once tried to get off Prozac and it was a nightmare; traumatized me so bad I am loathe to try to reduce the dosage in any way. Took days to get back to feeling normal again.
This is my great concern with these steroids. 20mg made me manic-like after one dose, so how will I respond even with a milder steroid like Entocort over days and weeks when a lot will have built up in my system? The idea of having that kind of panic for days as my body gets rid of it is terrifying, and of course after that period of time I'd be tapering, which means I would still be on it to some extent.
My feeling is I will have to taper extremely slowly as many others seem to require, but won't I still be dealing with severe anxiety? And then I read that some people develop steroid dependence because their body stops making the cortisone(?) altogether. Wouldn't this mean I'd be manic for the rest of my life because I can't stop taking it :ysmile: lol. Of course there must be psyche medicines to deal with that eventuality, but those are serious business.
This makes me wonder if I should ask the doctor to try Humira or Remicade instead. It sounds silly but the risks of seizures and life-threatening infections seem far less frightening to me than high levels of persistent anxiety.
I have been passing gas and have pooped a bit over the last four days, so perhaps I don't have bad enough swelling to warrant anything stronger than the Pentasa I take now (dosage is 1000mg every six hours)? Perhaps I just have fecal impaction in my small intestine (I had been eating a lot of rice and bananas right before this big flare up, in a misguided attempt to improve my health.), in which case time and fluids will solve the problem?
The doctor wants me to go for a small bowel follow through, with the barium drinking and everything. I don't feel it wise to ingest so much chalky substance if I have any obstruction, because I know it's very difficult to expel once it's been sitting in there. So what should I do with that issue.
As a footnote, I also took 5mg of prednisone yesterday night and today I have begun feeling fatigued, but not in an overly negative way. Could I be so sensitive to removing the prednisone after only having taken it twice?