Hey all,
I thought I would share my storie before leaving the forum for a while or perminant.
At a young age I always had stomach issues. It all started as gas and constipation and stomach pain to now - constant anal fissures, fatigue, almost 20 kilo weight loss, urine issues, shaking, nausea, osteopenia, some undiagnosed arthritis etc. "over 100 appointments last 6 moths" 2 ct scans, 30 blood tests. Over it.
I spend more time on the toilet than with my family.
Unfortunatley I keep trying so hard and getting nowhere...
I have a gastro appointment and MRI and CT scan to go and I'm giving up searching.
I guess there might be something wrong but doesn't look like I'm going to ever get a diagnosis.
Sick of having so many tests done to be told it could be a mental issue or I'm not manning up enough.
The last 3 months have been the worst of my life and looks like I'm just going to have to deal with it.
Thanks all for putting up with me and helping me.
I really hope a cure is around the next corner for you all.
I thought I would share my storie before leaving the forum for a while or perminant.
At a young age I always had stomach issues. It all started as gas and constipation and stomach pain to now - constant anal fissures, fatigue, almost 20 kilo weight loss, urine issues, shaking, nausea, osteopenia, some undiagnosed arthritis etc. "over 100 appointments last 6 moths" 2 ct scans, 30 blood tests. Over it.
I spend more time on the toilet than with my family.
Unfortunatley I keep trying so hard and getting nowhere...
I have a gastro appointment and MRI and CT scan to go and I'm giving up searching.
I guess there might be something wrong but doesn't look like I'm going to ever get a diagnosis.
Sick of having so many tests done to be told it could be a mental issue or I'm not manning up enough.
The last 3 months have been the worst of my life and looks like I'm just going to have to deal with it.
Thanks all for putting up with me and helping me.
I really hope a cure is around the next corner for you all.