Giving up

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 4, 2012
Hey all,
I thought I would share my storie before leaving the forum for a while or perminant.
At a young age I always had stomach issues. It all started as gas and constipation and stomach pain to now - constant anal fissures, fatigue, almost 20 kilo weight loss, urine issues, shaking, nausea, osteopenia, some undiagnosed arthritis etc. "over 100 appointments last 6 moths" 2 ct scans, 30 blood tests. Over it.
I spend more time on the toilet than with my family.
Unfortunatley I keep trying so hard and getting nowhere...
I have a gastro appointment and MRI and CT scan to go and I'm giving up searching.
I guess there might be something wrong but doesn't look like I'm going to ever get a diagnosis.
Sick of having so many tests done to be told it could be a mental issue or I'm not manning up enough.
The last 3 months have been the worst of my life and looks like I'm just going to have to deal with it.
Thanks all for putting up with me and helping me.
I really hope a cure is around the next corner for you all.
I hope you get some solid answers to what the problem is and soon. My daughter was undiagnosed for 18 months and that culminated in emergency surgery, that is how she got her diagnosis.

18 months was bad enough, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to go through it for years. :(

Good luck and best wishes mate!

Dusty. xxx
Oh I do hope you can get some answers soon hun and that it doesn't take something like an ER trip as mentioned above to then get a diagnosis.

Good luck with the upcoming tests.

Your in all our thoughts tonight Hun, let's hope your tests show something. My MRI results due in the morning so know where your coming from. Xxxx
i know that giving up sounds good to you right now...but DON'T GIVE UP! don't let the disease win keep pushing those doctors to get you a diagnosis. you are the one who knows your body and you can be the best advocate for yourself. my prayers are with you. take it one day at a time. continue to search for answers you so desperately need. never give up until you get your answers. take time to relax smell the roses along the way. :)

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