Had a Dr. appointment today.

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Oct 9, 2009
Well today I went to see my GI. Things are going great other then I lost 11 lbs. No stomach pains and the best BMs I've had in years. The only concern was the joint pains I experiance after my Remi treatments which are normal. Though I had a stretch where the pain lasted longer then usual. She wants me to keep a diary on the pain just in case I'm starting to build antibodies against the Remi. If that's happening then I'll have to go to Humira. Hoping not to just because. Now I just have to wait for my blood work to see what my Iron's doing.
Glad to hear that things are going great. Hopefully your body isn't building any antibodies yet. How long have you been on the Remicade for?
Happy to hear your appointment went well, that's great news :D I hope you can continue with the Remi if this is what is working so good for you. My son is on Humira and doing very well on it but has never tried Remi but I have heard great things about it.

Hoping that the joint pains go away for you and iron comes back good :ysmile:

Keep us posted!!