Have u had a sore inside nose?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 27, 2012
I am on Pentasa and Imuran and for two weeks I noticed the right outside of my nose has been sore. For the last three days I have noticd and had bleeding on the inside of my right nostril. I finally looked inside and up ontop is a circler sore that euze and crust over..I guess when I blow my nose I make it bleed.

Have you had this ?? Should I be calling my doc for an antibotics?? Never personal delt with this :(
Yes, call your doctor. I would think he or she would want to see you to decide what it is. When I am on immunosuppressant drugs, I tend to get viral sores, in the nose or mouth. When that happens, my doctor prescribes acyclovir. Good luck!
I also get mouth and nose sores, usually when I'm on steroids, antibiotics or other immunosuppressants.

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