Yesterday, after taking the adjusted dose of azathioprine and prednisone around noon, I had terrible bone pains, and what felt like seasonal allergies on steroids (hah, get it?), as well as a low grade fever around 99-100. In order to get to sleep, I took some Tylenol PM to combat the puffy-headedness and bone pains. I woke up around 6AM with a fever of 101 and hurt terribly. My vision was also "weird". Called GI doctor, and he told me to stop taking the azathioprine and scheduled some blood and urine tests. Waiting to hear where to go for those, but after falling back asleep for another 5 hours after a dose of Tylenol, my temperature is now 97.3 (?) and I feel better. Just took my daily prednisone, but skipped the azathioprine today.
Are such wild temperature variations common with azathioprine, either normally or as an adverse reaction? On one hand, it'll be nice to pinpoint what's been causing so much trouble, but on the other hand, that means I'll have to switch to something else.