Help! In hospital and need opinions!

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Jan 7, 2014
I got admitted to inpatient last night with severe sharp abdominal pains, decreased BMs, NO gas for 5 days (which is completely out of the ordinary - I always have gas), and the pain is Infinitely worse after eating! I've had blockages in the past, and this feels somewhat similar. Anyway, in ER they ONLY did X-ray (and bloodwork) and this morning the inpatient doctor said X-ray didn't show anything (No kidding it's a freaking X-ray?!?!) and that they weren't sure if they were going to consult GI! I told them that's the entire reason I came to THIS particular hospital!! I have had crohn's since 2007 and 3 crohn's surgeries -- I'm clearly an established GI patient! Am I crazy or should I continue to push for GI?! Ahhh so frustrated!! Any input and opinions would be appreciated!!
My opinion, yes keep pushing! This is your life and your body, you know it well. If they don't listen hopefully there is a case manager there that you can speak to that will advocate for you. My last hospital stay (just a few days ago) went better than any of my others because I had a case manager on my side helping me get the things I needed. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!
With the adhesion surgery last year, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a surgical consult that was brought in first, I've had a quite a few hospital stays where the primary consult wasn't a GI (even though my GI worked out of the same hospital). Most likely a GI will be brought in alongside the primary.
They don't think it's GI period they said - as in it's just idiopathic pain? But a general internal med dr (which is all that has me, I asked the Rn) is not equipped to determine if this is crohn's
Hi Kristi. That is awful. Push push push. I thought the days of crohns pain being in your head went out in the 1970s.
Glade you wrote to us! what hospital? I go to UPMC. So you do not have a GI doctor? Is that right even if you had surgery ! Not a GI surgeon ! oh my. Get mad and tell your doctors what's up. Ask for a GI doctor for a consult . they are wasting your time of healing. I had to get mad. firmly!!:confused2: now I have 2GI doctors one regular one GI a crohns doctor and a GI surgeon in place if I need him1 you deserve the best care!!!:smile: Maria
Thanks everyone, they are sending me home with morphine and I am getting a small bowel follow through as an outpatient tomorrow. I appreciate all of your support!
Thanks everyone, they are sending me home with morphine and I am getting a small bowel follow through as an outpatient tomorrow. I appreciate all of your support!
. fight ! For yourself. You have a right! Take one day at a time. Go on line and find GI doctor that deals with crohns only! We have to fight . My doctor did not want to give pain meds . I said ( to his nurse) I need pain meds. I pushed he gave me them just few. I do at times cry that's fine we need it then I feel better and go on. I get depressed it's ok we all feel bad. Good day will come ! Take care
Hi. I say do your research and find a good GI doctor, even if you have to doctor shop by going to the GI doctor yourself to see if he/she is the right one for you.