Help Stool colour and type - sorry.

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Im new this forum.

I've suffered with Crohns for 5 years and real bad. I've been in and out of hospital many times and have been in steriods and immune surpressives. After 3 years things started getting back to normal. I was finally able ot eat normal food other than boiled rice, soya milk and mashed potato (as that what I has for 3 years of my life),

I'm 25 and currenlty expecting my second child, but my disease has gone very active again. May be its the pregnacy triggering it off again. I'm currenty on taking 6 ASA (Asacols) a day and nothing else.,

But I've started bleeding again and feeling so much pain. There is white mucus in my stool and my stool is always changing colour. Sorry for being so explicit. Does anyone know what this could be?:depressed:

I would go see the doctor. The mucus and blood is a bad sign. What color is the blood and is it painful at all when you go. If it is bright red the blood is coming from the end of your intestines and may be causes by fissure on the inside of the walls of your rectum. If it is dark red it is coming from further up in your intestines. Is your stool dark black and chalky, green, thin, large, etc.

Best of luck
Hi snowfi Welcome to the forum. No need to apologize for discussing bowel issues here. That's just par for the course at the forum. Anyway, changes in your stool are something to talk over with a doctor. For me, those changes always preceeded my worst, most extreme flares. I mean, asking other forum members is alright, but the situation you are facing... major changes in stool while pregnant.. that's something you REALLY need to discuss with your doctor... Not bounce off us amatuers, okay?
Wait so I'm not a doctor. Oh man.

Just joking, it would be funny if I was a doctor though at least my patients could trust me that I know what they are going through.

I forgot to welcome you to the forums so Welcome to CF.
Jeff D. said:
I would go see the doctor. The mucus and blood is a bad sign. What color is the blood and is it painful at all when you go. If it is bright red the blood is coming from the end of your intestines and may be causes by fissure on the inside of the walls of your rectum. If it is dark red it is coming from further up in your intestines. Is your stool dark black and chalky, green, thin, large, etc.

Best of luck

Hi Jeff and everyone - thanks for your replies.

Yes the blood is red and very painful. The still is dark most of the time with lots of mucus, but soemtimes its very light too. Looks like my disease is active again :depressed:

Going to see my specialist tomorrow... I really hope he can help.


Take care

Hey Bowell issues are our life. I had surgury and the mucus and blood has stopped,when I stay on 6MP. So somethi ng must be wrong and you will most likely need the scope.
Thanks everyone. I went to see my specialist and he has changed my medication from Asaco l(5 ASA) to Pentasia. Also the bleeding seems ot be caused by yet another fissure. I've has 3 operations in the past and it still has not been sorted out.

I've also gone back to using colifoam which really heaps and GTN cream which give me killer headaches, but is suppose to help cure the fissue.

Life is a pain - and my condition is getting worse. I need to look after my diet aswell know, as I been well for 2 years and have been easting everything again..oh well I guess no more diet coke, cheese, fried stuff, spicy stuff, dairly products, most fruits and veg..... I'll try sticking to my old diet of mashed potato, boiled rise and soya milk. I've found i can tolarate fish okay.

Thanks again..

If you're experiancing bleeding and mucus (or for that fact, either/or) then it's definitely disease activity...go see your GI.

Feel better soon :)