I had ulceratis colitis for 16 years but had only a few flare ups in that time. At age 37, I had a serious flare up due to a stressful new job and left it long enough unseen to that I was rushed to hospital and had my large colon removed.I woke up in hospital with a stoma bag on my right side. I took 3 years to go for reconnective surgery ( money) and medical aid and had the stoma removed and closed .I was told that I would have runny stool for the rest of my life but I was lucky as the last bit of the colon was healthy hence them being able to do the reconnective surgery. Next month it will be 3 years since that op and about a month ago I started having a burning urine and pain.I inspected the area and it appears to be a large hole (1 cm) on the right of the vagina. I chose to hope it was a absess from an ingrown hair but now I am thinking it is a fistula as there are bubbles sometimes and a nonsmelling beige brown discharge out of my vagina.I think its a rectovaginal fistula. Must I go to my reconnective surgeon or start off with my GP.If my fears are correct , does it require immediate action or can I postpne for a bit.