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- May 14, 2013
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This is for my 19 yr old son CJ, November 2012 he told me he thought he had a hemorrhoid, I took him to the doctor who was a female and said she preferred he see an male doctor. I then took him to a male doctor and he said it was a “fissure” and that he needed to see a surgeon, when they called with the surgeon appt it was at least a 2-month waiting period so I asked for another surgeon that could get him in sooner. He saw the surgeon who I will call (G) in December was said they needed to do a sphincterotomy . When they went in they did not do the sphincterotomy the said “I stretched it and scraped it”. Within two weeks (January) we were back in surgery with the plan again of a sphincterotomy, he did do it this time and also said “I scraped it again, so much that he will be in a lot of pain, more than he ever has been”. The month of January and the beginning of February he was in and out of ER. The second week in February he was admitted from ER into the hospital for a bowel obstruction; by this time (G) was totally frustrated and offered no answers. I then asked to see a specialist and was referred to someone in OKC, also because I asked for a specialist (G) got rude and had his secretary tell me “there was no reason for him to see him any longer”. We get to OKC and the specialist asked him a few questions and looked at his rectum and said “there is nothing I can do for you” and walked out. At that point my son had been crying everyday for about 4 months and no doctor, and to top it off he lost his state medical care when he turned 19 while he was in the hospital. So we had to wait a month for my insurance to go into effect, then in April we took him to a colon rectal surgeon who said it thought it might be Crohns, then was sent across the hall to see GI doc. Went back to the GI doc a week later and set up appt for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Not sure how the rest of this works, they said blood work was negative and he had no other places affected by the Crohns except the rectum. They admitted him into hospital and was TPN for 9 days and started on Remicade. He came home Friday 5/10/13 and has very little rectum pain and the bleeding is gone.. looks like the Remicade is working. Our new concern is after the first visit to the GI he prescribed him prednisone and I really think it is giving him stomach pain. He has had really bad stomach pain for a couple of weeks now .. Any suggestions on that?